The body is drenched in sweat, the muscles are exasperated, and the breath is slightly shaky…. I am talking about the effects of a Joga session – weren’t you? So what happens at the end of all this? You are asked to lie on your mat to relax- this is where the magic of Joga begins. We start to absorb the benefits of the practice on a cellular level and begin to feel extraordinary results both physically and mentally.
Joga involves a lot of dynamic movements that require a lot of muscular energy. After a 75 min session the muscles fibers of the body are completely open, the nerve endings are open and perhaps even the mind is even more open. It is at this point we ask the body to surrender to the physicality of the session and challenge ourselves to be still, so the body can recover and the mind can expand.

In this place of physical stillness while the nerve endings are open and the mind is receptive we start to reconfigure brain patterns through the practice of intention. The exercise is to think of one word, something of meaning, one that attributes to positive behavior and repeat it over and over. By repeating this (for lack of better word –mantra) we start to fuse this mantra into our entire selves and begin to change the body from the inside out.
The immediate results of practicing the power of intention is in our reactions to circumstances that we have no control over. The long term results become habitual patterns of not only positive behavior but of self respect and love. When we start to acknowledge these qualities in ourselves we begin to attract these attributes from the people and things around us.
In layman terms, if you aren’t happy with the partners you are attracting in your personal life, start to use the practice of intention everyday for 30 days and take note of how you begin to feel, take note of any behavior changes and then take note of those you begin to attract…you may pleasantly surprise yourself!