So you want to get fit or look good? It is kind of like asking who is a better artist, Bruno Mars or Justin Timberlake? At first the answer is obvious BUT when you think about it for a moment you decide to change your answer.
Let’s be honest, you want to be fit, but looking good and feeling good about yourself is just as important to you. Did you ever stop to consider how many of your fellow gym goers or health crazy friends only feel good when they think they look good. What about all those Yogi’s, they must feel good…
Are you guilty of only feeling fit when you look fit?
Lets be honest, there is nothing more motivating than the feeling of “Hey, I look pretty good”. But sometimes we all could use that extra “get-up-and-go” motivation to get your butt to the gym.

Something to think about, working on your fitness is not only beneficial to your health but also your confidence. When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you feel like going to the gym, when you go to the gym, you look good….get the idea? So how do you hop on this “raw-raw” bandwagon of fitness? The answer, simple, just JUMP on!
Perhaps you’re a single guy or girl; maybe you’re just out of a relationship and need some motivation to get back in the game. Something I know can help…fitness! Improving your health is sexy. Trust me!
Use fitness as something not only to improve your quality of life, but also the quality of your DATING life! The gym can be such a great place to meet new people. Let’s face it, there’s usually a good view somewhere you look, use this as your motivation.
Many times motivation is the issue, but if there’s something that’s giving you a reason to go to the gym just use it! The by-product then becomes an improvement in your overall fitness as well as your confidence because your body is starting to change for the better. You feel better and damn, you look better!