Now that it has become the premier dating and social media app, it’s high time you familiarized yourself with the top Ten Commandments of Tinder. Starting the countdown:
10. Honor thy self, by uploading your best pic.
Translation: We all can’t be models; however, you’ve got to put your best face and features forward. Avoid the failing group pictures, which automatically earn you a left swipe into oblivion. An unobstructed view of your face will do, along with an intriguing and funny bio. If your pic doesn’t catch her eye within 3 seconds, it’s over for you.

9. Thou shalt initiate conversation after a match
Translation: Just like in real life, most women prefer being approached by men. If you matched with her, the onus is on you to initiate conversation within a few hours, not weeks.
8. Thou shalt not fear rejection
Translation: Half the battle is won by matching with her, so why worry? Besides there’s always the unmatch option. Perhaps you appeared overly eager and killed any iota of attraction she had for you. Having said that, be bolder and smarter on Tinder. Fortune favors the bold!

7. Thou art at the risk of being “catfished”
Translation: Maybe in adhering to Commandment #10, she uploaded a prime pic of herself from 5 years ago and does not currently look it. Expect a roughly 90% accurate representation of herself in person. Did you really expect her to look the same as she does in that dog filter pic?

6. Thou shalt not take anything personally
Despite Tinder’s notorious hookup culture, not every woman is on Tinder for that purpose. To each their own. Do not take things personally if you’re unmatched or she doesn’t return your advances. It’s a numbers game on Tinder. For some women, it’s just an ego booster to have that many matches, superlikes and nothing more.

Tune in for the remaining 5 Tinder commandments next time on Guy Talk…