Have you been considering how to improve your relationship appeal to those potential candidates out there in the big bold world of dating? Has it ever crossed your mind that trying something new, like dating a person outside of your typical profile may lead you to some very interesting self-discoveries, and perhaps open new doors?
Un-clutter the relationship baggage you’ve been accumulating of emotional losses and failed dates.
Well, being a successful professional is closely related to being open to various perspectives and working well within teams, so it may seem logical that dating various characters and cultures would lend itself to helping you further develop your own positive traits that would entice others to you. As young professionals, we’re very familiar with the fact that self-improvement is an attractive endeavor. Matter of fact, not only will a new years list be a good idea to expand on your experiences but a revised dating to do list can potentially un-clutter the baggage you’ve been accumulating of emotional losses and failed dates.
Your to do list should include a list of your needs and wants from a potential suitor, as well as a list of your strengths and weaknesses. This way you can focus on attracting with your pluses, and improving on your minuses. So the question is, how do you actually address your weak points? With new activities and experiences of course! Just think about it, you’re not good at something usually because you haven’t had a lot of experience with it or you’re really not interested in it. So our two-step attack will include: discover new passions and become more universally appealing. What might you say is considered universally appealing? Well let’s start modestly with the basics: understanding, flexibility and genuine interest. Yes interest! Now this is not an attempt to dilute your true personality but rather to further develop it in areas you’ve unknowingly avoided. The last thing I want to promote is becoming a diluted jack-of-all-trades and lover of none.
What I’m referring to here is being culturally aware, having a heightened perspective, the ability to hold a conversation about worldly matters and issues that affect more than your twitter handle. Stepping out into uncertainty to taste the flavors of a multicultural world may be a challenging, yet enriching endeavor with someone or on your own. You’ll soon have the opportunity to learn about a new vibrant way of life that you can use to enhance your own pluses on your “Why I’m amazing” list.
There are many ways to do this but I’m going to touch on two of my favorites:
1. Date someone of a culture you have never dated before
2. Travel to a country you have never been before and live with the locals

Both of these experiences will greatly enhance your dating profile as well as your professional skill-set. The gains to be had are not only better understanding of other communication styles and being able to recognize them and adjust your own, but also you become more tolerant and open to a wider array of experience in your life. This inevitably improves your overall appeal to anyone as you can better manage interpersonal relationships and are more interesting to the other person, which is definitely a positive in our self-interested society.
Ask yourself, “are you the type person who typically tends to avoid what’s uncomfortable because it’s strange and difficult to understand?” You might find that this idea revolves around the thought that you know everything about the other sex already. You’re convinced somehow that the way you’ve quantified and labeled the opposite sex is accurate, consistent and all encompassing. Well I hate to burst your bubble (actually I’d love to), but you’re exactly the type of person who needs to experiment. So get at her, pick a place, pick a person, pick something you know nothing about and run with it. Culture is not just the way people do things but it’s the value add from doing it that way. I guarantee your date will appreciate the authenticity you’re about to discover in yourself.
Makes a lot of sense to me. I’d go for it if I hadn’t already met the love of my life.