We hope our detox and shake it like you just don’t care sexy fitness classes did a number on that hot bod of yours hunny because your man is going to jaw drop in that sultan’s silk lingerie piece you’ve had hiding for a fabulous occasion! Ow, ow, ow, werk what yo’ mamma gave you girlfriend!! It’s the month of loving darling so let the sweet, sweet aromas of Roses, Daises and Organzas fill the room, spritz on love potion number 9, and set out the choco covered berries and martini mixes because your Bond is in for a wild ride! It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes…


Okay so for real isn’t love just so crazy, stupid? It makes us do out of our mind kinds of things like what, did I just do that? Say that? Feel that? Ugh, making me act like a damn fool! “I’m freeee, free falling!” OUCH, crap that kinda hurt, gah Tom Petty you could’ve given a girl a head’s up! When you’re so used to doing you, being in control of everything, and on a one track mind of getting paper and building fabulous empires it’s kinda hard to let yourself plunge in so deep. Don’t you sit there and act like “Mmmhmmm, whatever I’m too Divalicious for any man to get my heart going” Girl please, I’m as Diva, Independent woman as they come and I’ve been there, done that! So here’s to all the crazy, stupid, things love makes us do! Cheers hunny, you’ll get a good laugh outa’ this one –

1. Act like You’re Just Not that Into Him – Duh, this one’s a no brainer! Obviously all us Divas play hard to get! Hello, if you’re going to even attempt to get the game started you’re going to be in for a fabulous game of chase my dear! “Oh what movie night? Sure whatever I’ll go and get a little Leo peep show, totally not because I want to hold hands and make plans with you, ew!” hehe. In our defense we’re busy girls who run the world, so if you want to be given the time of day then you have to prove you’re worth it, because we are! *Revlon Ad worthy hair flip*

2. Facebook Approval – What used to be “Friends Approval” where you get your besties together and plan a date with your new man so they can grill him with 101 questions like a chicken panini sandwich is now “Facebook Approval!” No need to even leave your room darling! Simply grab the bubbly, popcorn and enter into his Facebook world that’s probably more entertaining than a Blockbuster movie! “What, omg who’s that girl in that pic?” “Becky, why is her butt so big?” “Ouuu, loving this topless pic! Bronzed and beautiful is so you!” I know you’re all rolling around laughing, you’ve done it, admit it!! Oh what a techno world, what a techno world…

3. Love Struck, It’s Official – “What’s love got to do with it, got to do with it!” Apparently everything Tina!! Ugh, it’s disgusting, you’re all warm and gushy gooey inside like a Miss. Fields cookie fresh out of the oven – so delish right? You’re talking about him 24/7 that your friends are ear plugging themselves around you, mind is all lovey, mushy it’s affecting your thought process, like “whaaaat? What day is it?” You’re mentally planning your paradise vacay wedding and thinking of names for your first born child. Yuck! Just when you thought you were Queen of the world, Miss. Independent on the path of solo savviness, nothing can stop you, BAM! Like your whole shoe wall came crashing down! Ugh, you’re not even my type, how inconvenient.

4. Be Besties with his Besties – Okay so I’m putting this one in here because I know a lot of us ladies fall victim to it but I don’t really agree with it. I mean if it happens naturally that all his buds dig you, amazing! I mean us Divas are super cool chicks so duh they will but the whole going out of your way to make it happen just isn’t fabulous hunny. You’re making every attempt to be a part of his events tots ditching your regular priorities, paying more attention to his friends than him so you can get two thumbs up, and being overly super cutesy nice, gosh girl overkill! Us Divas know better! If we’re giving our man the time of day it means we see potential and if we see a potential forever in the long run who cares if so and so may not dig you – uh who are you trying to lock down here, them or your man? Do you girl, it looks best.

5. Phone Blasting Explosion – So maybe things didn’t really go as planned. Maybe he lied, cheated and he’s really just not that into you more than you’re just not that into him? I mean it happens to the best of us darling so… ugh, oh god wait what’s this eruption bubbling in your stomach? Boiling in your veins? A sensation kinda like a combo of blackout rage and word vomit and you’re seeing red, here it comes PHONE BLAST! text, after text, after text a compilation of every possible emotion you ever held in and are feeling, some nasty, some pathetic, ugh you’re so much better than this! I mean us Divas tend to overreact so uh maybe that was just one of those times… oopsie! You still love me right? haha

Now that I’ve unleashed all the femme fatale secrets and your man is obviously still Lady Gaga over you, seal the deal with the rest of us Divas at the best event “Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend 2!!” We’ve teamed up with our besties at FAJO Magazine to bring you a dazzling night out to get the inside scoop on fashion and diamonds darling – nothing says I love you more! Sponsored by !Xam Diamonds on Febuary 5th, get your tickets and COME! Be sure to say Aloha to me – I’ll be by the display case with all the fabulous pearls, ah love!


Have a fabulous love day, month, and years and years to come! There’s really nothing more fabulous feeling and having so cherish it darlings, don’t let anything get in it’s way and if it does well I sure hope it was worth it dear! Lots of big smooches, tis’ the season! MWA! 😉


Julia Marie Gallo xox

DivaGirl Social Media and Member Co-ordinator


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