When I get the flu, it’s not really such a big deal. As a Naturopath, I know that getting sick is just my body’s way of telling me to slow down. That’s why I always listen. I get more rest, I eat lots of garlic, and I make my own flu concoctions. Getting sick isn’t so bad and even when my body aches so much that I can’t bear to be touched or wear anything but the softest sweaters, I still don’t complain. I don’t whine. And I definitely don’t expect people to put their lives on hold to take care of me.
But there are plenty of people who don’t feel this way.
You May Have To Care For Your Partner’s Health Too
I decided to write this article for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it’s flu season, which means people will be dropping like flies at the office and it’s the perfect time to share a powerful, easy-to-make immune concoction for your health. Secondly, I think it’s important to discuss how to react to your partner when they’re sick, whiny, and ruthlessly demanding.

You all know what I’m talking about.
Since it’s cold and flu season, this is the time of year that your partner may need you the most. Just like the rest of us, they’re bound to get sick at some point this winter season. As difficult as it may be, it’s a good idea to be kind, loving, and accommodating with them, even if they’re getting on your nerves with their demanding requests, crankiness, or cry-baby ways.
If your significant other is waffling between cold and hot or hungry and full, don’t get annoyed with them. Being sick is no fun and a few simple sweet gestures may have them up and well in no time! How about a warm cuppa tea, a eucalyptus massage, or soothing chicken soup? Wouldn’t you want them to do the same for you?
Let me teach you how to put together a strong immune booster that will give you and your boo an influx of flu fighters from nature.
Homemade Flu Tonic For The Two of You
1 lemon, freshly squeezed juice
4 cloves of garlic, minced
Raw honey, to taste
2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
Pinch of cayenne powder
Pinch of turmeric
Apple cider vinegar, to taste
Take all of these ingredients and put them in a warm cup of water. Shake them up and sip throughout the day. If you don’t like the taste, consider it medicine. I’m sure you can handle a quick shot from Mother Nature if you can handle a shot of Don Julio tequila. By spreading it out throughout the day, this introduces a continual stream of natural anti-virals into your system. This will help your sweetheart get better soon and it will also protect you and your health from catching anything.
Whether or not you believe in taking the flu shot, it’s important to keep your immune system strong, especially this time of year. Even with the flu shot, you’re not fully protected since every few years the disease forecasters don’t predict the correct strain that becomes an epidemic. So, it’s up to you to keep your stress levels low, your sugar intake under control, and your body warm. Instead of getting annoyed with your big pouting baby, blow them a kiss and make them this kickin’ health tonic. Give them the extra attention that they need right now and show them how much you care. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. And one day, you’ll need them too.