Winter is coming. And no, this isn’t some ominous Game of Thrones reference. But rather, a timely reminder that, unless you adapt your dating style after the first snowfall, you’ll be caught in a drought, much to your dismay.
Surely, different seasons call for different styles and approaches, right? What many candidly refer to as “cuffing season” is inevitably rearing its tiny little head, and you had better prepare for it, before getting lost in this dating matrix. For the unfamiliar, in short, cuffing season is when there’s an influx of dating arrangements and scenarios, conveniently designed in keeping one’s company with another—particularly to beat the winter blues and nothing more.
Gone are the sunny days and patio season which inspire spontaneous dates and hangouts. all soon to be subbed by dreadful negative-degree weather. On a personal note, I weep for the temporary extinction of maxi dresses. All my biases aside, winter is coming and either you evolve or dissolve.
Did you know more dates get postponed and cancelled during winter than any other season? This should come as no surprise, because very few women are keen on the prospect of winter dates. I mean, why should she go through all that trouble of getting dolled up and looking extra fancy, when she has the guaranteed satisfaction of Nutella and Netflix at home, in the comfort of her sweatpants? Besides, it’s -28 degrees outside and if you truly are human, the last thing you want to be engaged in, is an unpromising date, and lacklustre conversation with a so-so prospect.
Let’s skip the pleasantries of a conventional first dinner date and opt for a more informal arrangement, shall we? You’ll probably be surprised to hear that the modern single woman is open to something simpler around this time of year. For more winter dating tips, tune in next time.