sex kitten n. a woman who is feminine, flirty, fun and oozes sex appeal; a woman who tantalizes and excites in the bedroom. Whether we are single or married, mothers or daughters, amateurs in the world of romance or professionals – as women, we all have a little sex kitten inside us, yearning to come out once in a while. It is the part of us that picks out the lace lingerie at the store, the part of us that adds just a little more lipstick, and the part of us that gives the cute guy sitting across the aisle a flirty glance. It is an inherent part of our feminine nature that makes us feel desirable, sexy, and powerful.
Unfortunately, as my friend, Tara, discovered, we all also have it in us to lose to touch with this side of us just as easily. Tara had been living with her boyfriend for two years, when she confessed to me that her sexual relationship had gone from insatiable and frequent in the beginning, to predictable and seldom two years later. She couldn’t help but feel undesirable and was concerned for her relationship.

During one particularly eye-opening day, she was questioning his behaviour and what she had done to deserve this, when she caught a glimpse of herself in the nearby reflection. .. What she saw was someone she was not expecting. It was a sad woman, with hair unkempt and eye makeup smeared, wearing yellow flannel pajamas and a pink fuzzy robe. She stared at herself for a second.. It was a startling image. When had this become her nightly ensemble?? All of the sudden, she could not remember the last time she dressed any different for after work.
She had an epiphany.
She realized that she was the one who lost touch with that playful and flirty part of herself. She had stopped going to the gym, stopped wearing flattering out fits at home, stopped caring about makeup, and had ultimately, lost touch with her power and inner sex kitten! She had become a creature of habit and oblivious – lost in the world of slipper socks and cozies.
Not feeling sexy about herself, resulted in the decline of her lover’s attraction. So, of course, she was not getting what she wanted sexually – she was not doing the things that made her love herself. She laughed at the realization. She had unwillingly and unknowingly become a walking talking ad against sex. Yikes! After some deep and honest thought, she went to the bathroom at once. There, she let her hair fall down to her shoulders, put on her favourite smouldering lipstick, threw off her baggy bottoms, leaving nothing but an unbuttoned shirt. She marched straight into to the bedroom where Mark was, and lets just say things were never the same after that. 😉
This is not to say that unleashing the sexual and frisky part of ourselves, is about putting on makeup or dressing a certain way. Rather, it is about taking pride and putting willing effort in the way we look and present ourselves to the world and our partners. It is about keeping fit, pampering ourselves, trying that new sexy smokey eye look, and doing all the little things that make us FEEL sexy and invoke that kind of sexy fun once in a while.
It doesn’t matter if we are married or single, the same rule of nature applies: we bring forth AND attract our best, when we feel our best and confident about who we are right now.
So perhaps, next time we are wondering why the lack of action, we should think of my friend Tara and ask ourselves, “What can I do to for myself to Feel more sexy right now?” The answer is personal. The result – irresistible confidence.
One Suggested sexy look: The Bright Red Matte Lips, which is a must have for every sex kitten this fall.

To achieve a maximum bold and flirty effect:
1. Start with a matching red lip liner. Trace the whole lip, and fill in the lips as much as you can as well. This creates a base of colour and definition.
2. Apply a lipstick using a lip brush. This will ensure that even the tiniest of creases gets filled in. The result is a super dramatic and bold lip.
3. Mattifying lips and stay on trend with this new easy to do lip. Simply apply a bit of translucent powder with a brush over top the layer of lipstick – and voilá – Bold, daring Kissable lips that will get his attention and yours!