You wake up for another workday, slamming the alarm clock one or two (or four) times. If only you could just get a little more sleep, then you could face the day and all its challenges with vigor and optimism. Alas, the alarm screeches again and you yell, “Fine! I’m up!” After stumbling blindly toward the bathroom in a crude way, you catch a look in the mirror and notice your hair is changing. Maybe it’s thinning, perhaps there are more greys? Whatever the case may be, it has definitely lost its ‘umph’!
You think to yourself, maybe it’s just another bad hair day, so you comb it out trying to get it under control, but it doesn’t work. Washing it only rearranges the mess.

What gives, hair?
Well, there could be a few culprits at work.
First, it’s possible that you could be using the wrong products for your hair. You could have excess hairspray, gel, and all kinds of gunk stuck to your strands. If you have dry or curly hair, you may be shampooing too often and should consider some natural deep conditioning treatments. One of my favorite oil treatments that is also cost effective is mixing an avocado with a few tablespoons of raw coconut oil and 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil. Massage this combination into your hair spending a little extra time stimulating your scalp. Wrap it up, letting it sit for twenty minutes or more. When the treatment is complete, shampoo well. If your hair is finer, you may need to shampoo twice to get all the oil out. Voila! Your hair is smooth, shiny, and healthier already!
Fluctuating levels of hormones can cause changes in your body, including increased acne, headaches and fatigue. It’s possible that your hair can lack volume, suffer from frizz or just be all around unmanageable because of your hormones. If this is the case, consider taking hormone balancing supplements as recommended by your Naturopathic Doctor. I suggest both men and women consult a Naturopath before attempting to alter their natural hormone levels.

If bad hair days don’t seem to be connected to your hormones, you may have copper pipes in your house. Copper can suck moisture from your hair, causing split ends and making it lackluster. If you dye your hair, the effects of copper could be even more dramatic. If this is the case, consider installing a water filter to reduce your exposure to copper. You can also extend the life of your shampoo and boost volume by using dry shampoo between washes.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, hair loss in both men and women is linked to kidney ‘Qi’ (also known as energy) deficiency. Although kidney Qi declines as we age, I am seeing more cases in younger individuals at the clinic. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been proven very effective in the treatment of kidney deficiency syndrome, reducing hair loss and premature greying.
So what should you do about hair loss, premature greying, and bad hair days?
Firstly, I suggest ditching products that are full of harsh chemicals, which may be the leading cause of your issues. I recommend staying away from sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), DEA and parabens. Look for natural, organic alternatives that do not contain artificial fragrances, colours, and chemical preservatives. You want to nourish your hair follicles and take steps to encourage healing, stimulate healthier hair growth, and reverse any damage that’s already been done.

It’s also important to speak to a Naturopathic Doctor who can help you identify and properly treat the underlying cause of the problem. Although BioSil™ may work to keep your hair healthy, if there’s a more serious issue, it’s best to identify and treat it as early as possible.
May your bad hair days be behind you and your days of confidence be many!