I commonly hear the same complaints from men about women.

Here are the top five:

1. Too much nagging or complaining

2. Not as sexually interested or active as him. Withholding sex as punishment.

3. Trying to control or suppress a man or a lack of support

4. Not giving him enough space.

5. Possessive or jealous behaviour.

Having even one or two of these behaviours or traits present can easily lead to the end of an otherwise great relationship. Men are quick to simply cast blame on the woman for these relationship ailments but more often it’s because we’re not doing the right things in the relationship.

Sherrie Rose is a relationship expert and author of the book “Seven ways to fill her love bucket”. She guarantees that if the man ensures that the woman’s “love bucket” is full he has nothing to worry about.

In fact, there’s even a payoff.

Rose explains that a woman’s love bucket is made up of seven rings and if the man can fill even three to four of the rings he’ll be one happy guy.

They are:

1. Sex: Ensuring that she feels desired and content within a respectful sexual union.

2. Contact: Touching is important to a woman including gentle gestures of affection. When not in proximity, any type of consistent electronic contact is important.

3. Recognition: This includes appreciation and voiced recognition of her abilities and accomplishments. It also includes active listening and being present when both are together.

4. Provisions: Generally men are natural providers. Women feel cared for when we take a strong role in providing everything from tokens of our appreciation to exciting experiences together.

5. Do for: When we take certain burdens away from our partner she feels loved and taken care of. This can include taking the garbage out, installing shelves or cleaning the kitchen.

6. Do with: Doing things together whether they are laborious or for pleasure builds a strong union with our partner and women appreciate the feeling of being in a union.

7. Lifestyle: When a couple shares the same lifestyle aspirations and values it contributes to the excitement and contentment that a woman feels in the relationship.

Rose adds that all of these items have to be calibrated with timing (or frequency and duration), setting (for example private or public displays of recognition) and phase (or stage of the relationship).

What does Rose promise if the woman in your life has a full love bucket? A man can expect more and better sex, full engagement, loyalty and support, admiration, affection and love.

Given those kinds of results I’d say that filling her “love bucket” is worth a try!

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