By: Olga Lastovetska

Yes, we all have heard hundreds and hundreds of tips and tricks to help you lead your way to fat loss, but how do you manage and apply all of them at once? Or do you really need to do so?

In reality, there is no one right answer or plan that will help everyone with their fitness goals and nutrition. We are all different in every way. However, there are top 3 ideas that I think most of the fitness professionals and nutritionists can agree on that will make a difference in your journey.


1. Eat your calories

And no, I am not saying run to the nearest McDonalds and pig out! What I am saying is eat small meals frequently throughout the day (every 2-4hr). Make sure each meal has protein, carbs, and healthy fats. And all those sugary drinks (200cal+), diet drinks, meal replacement shakes, etc- throw them out of the window. Your body will thank you!


2. Exercise

Yes, I know that you all know this, but you have to exercise right. Doing only cardio might not get you the exact shape and look you are looking for. Incorporating weights into your routine is a must if you are looking to decrease your body fat. Weights build muscle, which in turn burns calories, leading to faster fat loss success. Don’t know where to start? As little as 30-45 mins 3-4 times a week in the gym doing weights in combination cardio will lead to a leaner fitter version of you. If you are just starting out and don’t know how to work with weights, join a class, a boot camp, get a trainer – there are lots of resources out there!

3. Drink LOTS of water

55-75% of our body is made of water, and a hydrated body is a healthy body. But how much should we drink daily? As a general rule, we should drink 500mL upon awakening and 500mL per 10kg body weight. You can always add lemon/berries to make it more fun and enjoyable!

Again, there are many more tips to fat loss than just these 3 mentioned above. However, these are the top 3 that if implemented now, will get you feeling leaner and better in no time. Pick the easiest one, implement it now, then add in another one and so on. Every day you will be the better version of you – and what more can you ask for?!

Olga Lastovetska is a personal trainer, nutrition coach, dancer, fitness instructor, and a fitness model/competitor. Overcoming obesity and the biggest body transformation has given her the drive and passion to help women reshape their bodies, live healthier lifestyles and feel good on the inside and outside. In 2013 she has opened up an Hourglass Workout franchise at Don Mills and Eglinton location- a bootcamp type of program through which she is able to reach out to more women and help them reach their fitness and personal goals. Her infectious personality, passion for healthy living, and wealth of knowledge has earned her a high standing in the fitness and health industry. Olga constantly strives to encourage and motivate those around her.

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