Sexual conversations:
The sexual frame is the most potent way of establishing sexual interest, while engaging a woman in conversation. It is unmistakably direct, forward and above all, the most brazen of all the conversational frames. Ultimately, the sexual frame portrays your intentions as undoubtedly sexual and showcases your sexual confidence if returned.

Peppering your conversations with innuendo, puns and double entendres subtly displays your sexual intent in a very tasteful manner. Given mutual interest, her finding you’re comfortable initiating any kind of sexual conversation with sheer confidence, bodes well for you. This calls for the million-dollar question: Does every conversation with women call for sexual interjections? Definitely not! There’s such a thing as timing and setting, and most importantly, mutual interest. Remember, a man is whatever room’s he in. With the sexual frame in particular, keep your composure about you and not seem to be in such a rush. Begin subtly, and adjust to her pace as she becomes more receptive.

In wrapping up the dating conversational series, keep in mind there’s no default scenario that presents a particular frame of conversation to adopt. Borrowing from all three conversational frames shows your ability to hold intellectual, bantering and sexual conversations the same. This offers a dynamic conversational arc, especially crafted to keep her interest piqued at all times. This triple threat of conversational mastery favors you in every interaction once employed. Now, knowing what to say and delivering said message are two different species of the same animal. Your body language and tonality are next in the series.