We have just finished celebrating the end of 2017 by gathering with friends, family and perhaps some strangers who we ended up drinking just a bit too much champagne with before the clock struck midnight. So, 2018 is here and it is time to make your new years resolution, right? January is all about promises and motivation that slowly slip away as time passes and, all of a sudden, we find ourselves preparing for new years eve again, unaccomplished. Learn how to find your new years resolution, stick to it and not start off every year by trying to create a “new you”.

new years

Keep It Simple

We tend to veer off track when we create goals that are drastically difficult than what we are used to. If you are the type of person who can handle dramatic changes then, by all means, take on those challenges because that is incredible! However, it is not easy to completely change a part of your life and, to complete your new years goal, you don’t have to take such harsh measures. Instead of having one big goal, create a list of smaller goals that can, one day, help you reach that final goal in a realistic way. When your goals are more realistic, it is easier to stick to them and stay motivated.

It will be interesting: The Truth About Goals

Scrap The Timeframe

New years resolutions are always expected to be completed within the year but, this time around, make your own due date and it does not have to be within 12 months or less. Some goals take more time than others (and we have to account for times that we make mistakes which may set us back, which is totally okay) and sometimes we need more than a year to complete them. Take whatever time you need and then maybe on the next new years eve, you can look back on the year and say, “I am so much closer to completing my goal and I have made great progress!” rather than, “Let me start this goal again. For the third year in a row.”

new years

Don’t Make A Goal

Be controversial this year and do not make a goal at all. Watch your friends and family’s mouths drop agape when you tell them you’re not complying with this common new years tradition. It is not mandatory to have to want to change your whole being every time January rolls around, so why do we do it? Yes, we do have goals that we want to achieve but you don’t need a whole new year to start so you can feel motivated again, you can start literally at ANY moment! This new year, don’t make a goal and, instead, just aim to make every day count!

It will be interesting: Preparing Your New Year’s Resolutions Early

Mistakes Don’t Ruin Progress

Whatever your resolution is, you have to understand that you are going to make mistakes sometimes and, yeah, it might throw off your progress but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Think of it like this: when you fail or make a mistake you are just one step closer to completing your goal because you are finding out what does not work, which is so important!

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In the words of good ol’ Robert Frost:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

You are in charge of your life and you pave your own path, so make it count!

Happy New Years, 2018!


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