As the love struck intoxication slowly wears off from what’s supposed to be the month of loving I think it’s fair to say most of us Divas ended up with the short end of the stick! You didn’t get those fabulous louboutins you’ve been name dropping to your beau for weeks fit with photo texting with you trying them on at holts, he bought you the brand of chocolate you hate, gold instead of silver, or you got a less than surprised more predictable bouquet of flowers delivery. Failed attempts at presents only leaving you disappointed is a failed attempt at love my dear! If your man doesn’t know you well enough to get you what your very heart desires weather it be big or small then he doesn’t know your heart now does he?
Don’t get me wrong I’m not into the materialism of gifting, It’s really not about the presents or price tags at all. It’s about knowing and loving us for who we are to our core so much so that you want to do all it takes to make us happy. That’s what loving someone is after all isn’t it? Doing things you wouldn’t do otherwise but are overjoyed to if it means making her happy and feeling so special? You know going out of your way! It’s pretty clear that Divas are the female version of a hustler so we’ll do whatever it takes to get the things we want out of life therefore all we really require is exclusive r-e-s-p-e-c-t, attention, and affection. Men seem to like the fabricated idea of what it’s like to be with a Diva – “oh she’s so fun and cool” “she’s so chill and easy going” or “I like talking real life and business with her” but when it comes to putting in the work to treat us properly in order to keep us or even having a clue how to treat us are handfuls of failed attempts and lack of even trying. I say screw it and onto “Me, Myself, and I.”
Instead of spending all your energy building up the men that come into your life, supporting their dreams and encouraging their ambitions and talents in the hope that the good old karma saying “what goes around, comes around” holds true and you’ll eventually get the very same treatment back scrap it and do you! How crazy amazing would you feel if every hour of every single day was devoted to you and just you? With the amount of energy, pizzaz and natural “turn everything I touch into gold” knack you’d probably be able to take over the world in a single day! Get your own fabulous business ideas going and up and running, plan a solo summer vacation, go to a “couples’ spa weekend resort by yourself, take the day off and get your hair and nails did, order pizza instead of cooking because you don’t really like it anyway, brew coffee and whip up delicious waffles in lingerie and heels for your girlfriends after a night of wining and dining, and buy your own damn diamonds and strings of pearls because you work bloody hard, prince charming fails, and you don’t wait for exquisite things hunny!
It becomes so exhausting when you’re so devoted to making others happy simply our of nature that eventually it takes a toll on you and you compromise who you are and what you believe in because you’re in so deep, can hardly see or think clearly anymore and you think it’s what they want and need. This holds true for all areas of your life. Say no more often to things you only do to help out others and yes to the things that you utterly enjoy and will bring you and those around you success and happiness. There is nothing more important than your own self love and personal happiness, wow is the world so grey without it.
Call me crazy but I still believe in fairy tales, that women should be treated like goddesses and that love should be appreciated as the raw beauty of who you are not what you have and where you’re from. I’d rather be with Me, Myself, and I until the right kind of forever, foreva-eva love knocks at my door.
One love,

Julia Marie Gallo xox
DivaGirl Social Media Coordinator