Like it or not, your present reality (awesome or awful) has been shaped by YOU.
Eeek – I can feel the cut-eye as we speak!
Hang on….
What I mean is this: Your beliefs in life – up until and including this very moment – have shaped everything you are experiencing (good and bad).
What we believe shapes what we think about daily, and what we think becomes our reality.
Our thoughts become THINGS!!!! Literally!
That’s both AWESOME and SCARY at the same time, right?
I have a little confession to make: When I first found out about this concept…I had a GIANT freak out in a very bad way. I freaked because I was terrified that every bad or negative thought I had would instantly manifest into my here and now. Hahaaaa (cue nervous laugh).
Never forget friends, the Universe has your back – there are no mean tricks or tests. Simply put, you are ALWAYS supported. So, not to worry – those little negative thoughts can’t mess you up. For real – I promise, as long as you don’t buy into them.
Now onto the work at hand…
So, what do you believe in? Are you investing in those beliefs by choice or by program? Were you taught something when you were younger that no longer serves you?
If you are game for changing your life and experiences for the better here is a wicked way to start…
1. Be grateful: Gratitude will attract to it MORE things to be grateful for! The Universe loves it when we are thankful for what we already have. Create a morning gratitude practice – list the 3 things you are MOST grateful for today.
2. Notice when negative thoughts creep in: Simply turning our awareness to when we slip into “lack” thoughts (I can’t, I’m not good enough, it won’t work..etc) will help us to then choose positive ones in their place.
3. Limit the Negatives and replace them with Positives: We live in a negative world: Think about what we see on TV, hear on the RADIO, read in the NEWS…all negative. Well there is a saying that goes like this “Garbage in, Garbage out” what you feed your mind will show up in your life. Choose right now to limit the garbage you feed your mind and spirit. Instead of reading the paper in the morning – subscribe to a blog you LOVE that has a great life message and read that instead. One tiny positive thought to begin your day can have a HUGE impact on your life.
4. Pay it Forward: Share the magic friends!!!! A small act of kindness, a smile, a kind word, whatever it is (no matter how small) you can do today to make someone else’s world better – will also light up your world.
Begin today – no matter how small – to shape your beliefs based on what will best serve you and your happiness. You’re worthy and you are supported.
Let the good times roll!
xo Lav