How many of you ladies are getting ready to hit the party scene for TIFF? Summer is officially come

to a close and September has begun. If you live in Toronto the buzz of TIFF is in the air and the

excitement has only started. Everyone is getting ready for 3 things; movies, star sightings and the

lavish parties. As a seasoned aficionado of all things TIFF; whether preparing and choosing the must

have items of the season for celebrity gifting suites from attending the amazing parties bodes the

popular question every woman is battling with is “What am I going to wear?”.


Here are a few helpful fashion tips on what I believe will help you prepare for any TIFF event you

should attend;

Tip 1

The dress code for all TIFF events is “Dress to Impress” – It is the type of festival that you could end

up anywhere, so expect the unexpected. Party hopping is part of the allure of TIFF, so I would

recommend that you take the opportunity to break out that really outstanding pair of shoes. What

about that fantastic dress that you have been dying to wear but always thought “Where am I ever going

to wear this?” well this would be that time.

Tip 2

When choosing your outfit always try to go for stylish/sexy. The crowd that attend these parties

usually have a background in the arts so style is a must. Although it’s a mixed bag on who you may see at

these events always dress to impress. The one major thing in common is that most attendees have a

cool sense of fashion. The overall thought you want to avoid when getting ready is that you were just

kicked off the set from the “Jersey Shore”. Upon choosing your outfit look through your closet and

decide first what will be my “must wear” item so you can begin building the outfit around it.

Tip 3

In order to narrow down your choices on what to wear expect to see a mix between super bright dresses

with vibrant colors still trickling from the summer. You will also observe those super fashionistas

beginning to showcase their transition wear for the upcoming fall season. You should expect to see

ladies continuing the trends such as colour blocking, black and white, leather, and animal prints. My

personal favourites (which I will be wearing) are fringe, feathers, lace and 50’s, 60’s inspired overall


Tip 4

Lastly a few words of advice “Try on the outfit!!!!!” How many times have we all been in a panic

because we left everything to the last minute, we try on the outfit planned for our fantastic evening and

it actually is not a stunner. We have all been guilty of this so save yourself the time and the stress “TRY IT

ON” so you can pick a plan B if it doesn’t work.

Ladies find your inner fabulous, exude confidence and own the room like it’s your party!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ellen

    Thanks for the tips! I’m heading to a party Friday night, and this is just what I needed. 🙂

  2. Lisa

    Yes, try it on! I learned my lesson at Cannes when I didn’t try my outfit on beforehand. Turns out I had the wrong bra for the outfit. I spent so much time trying to fix everything, I was late for the gala screening.

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