Q: How do I get a flat, sexy stomach that will make me look outstanding in a bikini for winter getaways?
A: The hard truth is that a six-pack stomach does not come from doing 300 crunches a day!! If your struggling with ab flab your diet is probably wrong and you’re most likely neglecting other areas of fitness.
The abs your dying to see may already be there, but are hiding under a layer of fat. To lose the body fat you have to weight train, do cardio and maintain a ‘clean diet’. Eating ‘clean’ consists mainly of lean proteins, veggies, fewer grains, and some fruits and healthy fats.
Let me make this very clear:
NO refined sugar and NO fried foods.
Sounds tough but is totally worth the sacrifice!
Aim to strength train at least 3 times a week and fit in another three 30-45 minute cardio sessions weekly.
Any form of cardiovascular exercise will speed up fat loss.
Lastly, are your ab exercises. Don’t go overboard! Work the abdominal muscles the same way you would work any other muscle group, 2-3 times a week. You shouldn’t need to do 200 crunches before you feel your abs burn.
If doing the exercises correctly, you should be fatigued after 20-25 reps. Pay attention to form. Pull your belly towards your spine, point your chin to the ceiling and avoid arching your back.
Working your obliques will help create the appearance of a flatter stomach.