It’s interesting, 5 percent of the population are wealthy and all are in love with what they do, 90 percent of us are living pay-cheque to pay-cheque or just above it, and the remaining 5 percent desperately need our compassion. If you fall in the majority 90 percent ask yourself: Are you there because your creditors refuse to unlock the ball and chain they have around your ankles, or could it be that you hold the key and refuse to tap into your own abilities to truly be free? It was Marianne Williamson that said “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” And that’s good news because it’s entirely true that you have all the necessary tools at your finger tips to change the outcome of your life, forever. But you knew this already, and you also know that the reason why you may still be succumbing to hair pulling days at your work place is because of a lack of action. So what is the answer? Do you dare adhere to the elusive term that we’ve heard before and make a career out of doing what we love? Absolutely. We must draw a line in the sand. The wealthy already drew their line, others have been considering it for a while, and you may decide to draw a line at this very moment. You see, on both sides of the divide you’ll find that there are dreamers – and there are doers. What separates those that remain mediocre and those that ultimately achieve wild success has always been a matter of facing their fear and taking action.

On the other hand, I understand the notion that sometimes we must do what we must in order to do what we want in the future. Know that when you’re progressing towards your goals you are successful. The intelligence of life is to tap into your gifts while empowering others regardless of the moment you are in. Use your skills and do whatever the task may be with great dignity and conviction. When you do this an infectious glow will bounce inside and around you. You will find yourself smiling more, people will smile at you more, and key opportunities will present themselves to you. All this simply because you truly began to love what you currently do by harnessing your own personal strengths. Your presence alone will naturally begin to inspire others to do a better job at their endeavours because they witnessed you go from good to great in yours. This new confidence will make it easier for you to thrive towards your desired end result so you can live your best life possible. When you truly love what you do it’s inevitable – the time will be set, liberty will be yours to witness that on the other side of the sand, freedom is yours to rejoice!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Ricardo

    “Love what you do”..I have been inspired, I am looking to do some post graduate studies and I was focusing on what would bring prestige as opposed to something I love and very passionate about.. I have decided and will make attempts for the latter Thank you .. Blessings

    1. John Robinson Jr.

      Hi Ricardo!
      I’m glad this article touch you in such a profound manner. I wish you the best of success while you do what you love!

  2. Bernard Glover

    John !!!!
    That’s an awesome article !!! Thank you for those wise inspiring words … ;o) Funny enough, I was thinking last night, about how I need to maximize my skill-set and run full force with my dreams & goals in life … And stop being scared.. ;o(.
    I love my job, but not as much as my dreams of music & starting my own men’s fashion line.. It Is Time !!!
    … I got nominated for the “Singer of the Year” at the Black Gold Awards ;o)… Which happens here in Calgary next week. That’s somewhat a sign that, I’m good enough to do what my heart desires and to take some risks in life… I thank you again for this article which has ignited something inside of me..
    Thank U !!!

    1. John Robinson Jr.

      First off, congratulations on being nominated for the “Singer of the Year”. That’s awesome!
      It warms my heart to know that this article has ignited something inside of you. We all have some sort of fear to go after our dreams, and I’m so glad you’re able to face yours and move forward! Your energy inspires me.
      To your success!

  3. Claudio

    This is a truly inspiring article. Once things are put into perspective, it becomes increasingly clear that the biggest barrier to our own happiness is indeed a lack of action. Your article reveals this and provides the motivation we need to “draw that line in the sand.”
    Thank you,

    1. John Robinson Jr.

      It’s good to know that we think alike. As simple as it seems, sometimes we just need a little reminder to drive ourselves to action. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement!

  4. Josie-Ann

    John, Thank You ! This is great article, simple in its eloquence but deep in its understanding of what is true.
    I Am Wishing You Well
    Peace +Much Love

    1. John Robinson Jr.

      Thank you so much. Sometimes keeping it simple is all we need to do!
      Peace + Much Love

  5. Charm Elizabeth

    Hi John,
    This article is excellent, and motivates a person to do more, and be who they were meant to be. It is true, most people are unhappy in their job or career, but it does not have to be that way. One must have goals they are working towards. This is what will help you get through another day. I am thinking more and more like that, and the more I focus on my goals the happier I feel. It is also believing you can achieve whatever you set out to do. Way to go with this article!

    1. John Robinson Jr.

      Hi Charm Elizabeth,
      Your message warms my heart. Thank you for motivating me. I agree with you, once you work towards your goals, the better we feel. They say success is a progressive realization towards a worthwhile goal. With your mindset, I have no doubt that you will achieve your every goal!

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