“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.”

Albert Einstein

Remember when you were five years old – you put on your favourite dress and twirled around the living room because you were a ballerina. Maybe you wore a cowboy hat and had a gun in your holster as you ran jumping and shooting bandits on the neighbourhood playground. You didn’t want to be a ballerina– you were a ballerina; you didn’t think you were a cowboy – you became the cowboy!

As children we are born knowing that through our imagination we transform into whoever we want. We don’t question it – period. Somewhere between our parents, our teachers and our bosses we become more rigid, more logical, more serious, more educated and more productive – but in the process we often sacrifice our joy, passion, laughter, creativity – and along with them our inherent power and aliveness. We begin to forget that our ability to shapeshift into whoever we want is part of our birthright and that our imagination is our magical fuel to get us there.

Our Ancient Wisdom Traditions recognized shapeshifting as our inherent ability to alter our state of consciousness and understood the power of our perceptual faculties to transform our lives. Neuroscientists and Quantum Physicists are now catching up to these sacred teachings: The deeper we enter into a state of knowing – where we clearly see the shift we want – as if it already exists – and release all doubt we may be holding – the faster the changes we want actually occur!

Here are four powerful ways we can apply these teachings and begin to experience the awesomeness of who we are and what we want to create.

The Power of Choice

create the life you want

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; Who looks inside awakens. “

Carl Jung

How can you possibly shapeshift your life if you have no clue what you want? Get clear on what is most important to you –your truest intentions, your deepest values, your unbridled passions. If you could flip through the Universal Menu what would you order? More confidence, joy or purpose in your life; A beautiful new home; A support center for struggling youth; A more fulfilling career; A gorgeous partner who makes you laugh and understands you. Write a list of what inspires you and read it out loud daily to energize your connection to what you love.

Align your Thoughts, Words, and Actions

create the life you want

“What we think, we become.”


Spend some time carefully observing yourself moving through your day. Is your first thought upon waking one of gratitude and excitement? Do you complain to everyone about everything from the morning gridlock, your horrible boss, your lousy lover, to your awful migraines? How would a confident and successful entrepreneur speak? Would a healthy person eat at a greasy spoon for lunch every day? The more you align what you think, what you say and what you do with what you want – the more you actually step into your new creation. Daily affirmations can help refuel your mental tank with more empowering thoughts. Take one step today towards your vision. You can’t buy the car you want but you can take it for a test drive or start a savings fund in preparation.  

It will be interesting: Mastering Resolutions

create a better life

What you Expectantly Perceive you Receive

“When you visualize then you materialize. If you’ve been there in the mind, you’ll go there in your body.”

Denis Waitley

Take five minutes daily to visualize what you want and allow yourself to feel the excitement of it being true right now! Envision yourself walking through your new life – What are you wearing? How uplifted do you feel? What does your new boss sound like? How is your partner romancing you? While this may seem a little awkward at first, it begins to synchronize your internal compass to receiving that which is in your heart. Make a vision board, draw a picture or build a model to help you strengthen your vision and raise your excitement levels to a new high.

It will be interesting: Ten Habits Of Ridiculously Happy People

Surround Yourself with the Right People

create the life you want

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Jim Rohn

Examine your closest relationships to see if these people bring out the best in you or just reaffirm why you’re stuck. Are they people you respect and admire? How do you spend your time together? Open yourself up to others who are living or in the process of creating the life you want. We are not meant to go at it alone – work with supports that can really help you release the old and stay true to your new vision! Ironically, the more you shapeshift into who you want to be the more you realize it is who you are and the easier it becomes to let go of those people and circumstances that are not in alignment with your highest purpose.

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