Aries Horoscope
(March 21-April 19)
Don’t give up. Keep striving for the top.

Taurus Horoscope
(April 20- May 20)
Look at things this way; they could be worse.

Gemini Horoscope
(May 21- June 20)
A happy relative will express their love for you.

Cancer Horoscope
(June 21- July 22)
Money will be of a concern to you this week. Either you will feel like you need it, or may come across so much of it that you will not know what to do with it.

Leo Horoscope
(July 23- August 22)
Eat healthy, think healthy, and do what is healthy and you will be healthier… simple.

Virgo Horoscope
(August 23 – September 22)
You will need to express yourself to a friend or family member. Do not get frustrated when they do not get your point right away, eventually they will.

Libra Horoscope
(September 23- October 22)
Some people are not worth the argument. Let bygones be bygones .

Scorpio Horoscope
(October 23- November 21)
Be open to love, not resentment and you will laugh so hard this week that you might not be able to feel your cheeks.

Sagittarius Horoscope
(November 22- December 21)
You will express yourself in ways that you have not before. Go for it Sagittarius, your reserved side will take a back burner to your excitable side.

Capricorn Horoscope
(December 22- January 19)
Keep on keeping on. Things will pay off greatly in the next two months.

Aquarius Horoscope
(January 20- February 18)
Be precise in your dealings. Giving two sides of one story will only confuse others.

Pisces Horoscope
(Feb 19- March 20)
You will have an unlikely character in your corner this week. Smile, because you will certainly appreciate them.