So let’s just call a spade a spade here and say it how it really is: Women are a little bit funky, and we bet many men right now are nodding their heads and saying “Yes!”
It is no surprise that women are “complicated.” Although women are beautiful human beings, they also have a tendency to leave men dumbfounded (again, a lot of men are shaking their heads yes!)
We will give you a pass this one time guys and will also help in making life easier for you…. a little bit.
How many men reading this are nervous or have felt nervous about approaching or asking a woman out on a date? We are going to go out on a limb and say almost all of them. At some point in your life, whether it be boyhood or manhood, there is a woman that will get you tongue tied.
Well those days are over it is your lucky reading day!
Get your notebooks, cellphones, and snapchats ready to go! THESE ARE THE POINTERS YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS!
Below is a list of the DO’S AND DONT’S. Let’s begin with the DON’TS:
Do NOT grab at a woman… ever! No woman likes to be grabbed or touched by a random stranger. “I am not a piece of meat” comes to mind almost immediately.
Do NOT insult her as a reverse psychology method. This has never worked. Period.
Be mindful of the words you use to address her. Maybe using “sexy” isn’t the first word that should be used. Sexy is sex and you are pretty much insinuating that you have already pictured her naked.
DELETE cheesy pickup lines from your vocabulary. You will most definitely get one of the three following reactions if used (none that work in your favor, usually): eye rolling, back turning, and the look of “Wow are you serious?”
EYES ON TOP: We know you have “checked” out her assets, but once you have approached her, the ONLY thing you should be looking at is her eyes!
If you stay clear of these points, than you will successfully communicate with a woman and probably get the desired outcome that you want. The key to it all is RESPECT! Respect her presence and her time. A lot of women these days know what they want and they will not waste time on games.
APPROPRIATE APPROACHES: Approaching a woman depends on the atmosphere you are in. If it is a woman you see in a coffee shop, pay it forward and offer to pay for her beverage. Bonus points if you hold the door open for her. If it is an atmosphere where drinks are involved, send her a drink or walk up to her and introduce yourself and extend out your hand. If her back is towards you, an appropriate way would be to gently place your hand on the centre of her back (not too low, gentlemen). She will shift towards your direction, opening your window of opportunity.
COMPLIMENTS: Compliment her and mean it! Offer her a compliment on something that isn’t the obvious. Yes, she is beautiful, but what else caught your eye? Details mean a lot to women, always.

QUESTIONS: Make it about her! Ask her what she does, why is she here for the day/evening, and go from there. Her answers will be the clues to what to ask her next. Make sure to look at her and ask her these questions with sincerity. Women become comfortable when a man shows that he is sincere.
CONFIDENCE: Walk up to her with confidence every single time. DON’T FAKE IT! She will see right through it (we have confidence detectors). Own yourself, own your decision, and own your presence. She will be intrigued.
MAKE HER LAUGH:There is a lot of truth behind the Marilyn Monroe saying, “If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.” Wit is always a trait that will work in your favor, when executed appropriately of course.
These are probably the top most valid points of information we can give, (without giving away all a woman’s secrets we have to leave something to the imagination, right?). Just know that every women is different. You may find one of these works well for one woman and not another. Feel her vibe and read her body language, and you will know the right way to approach her.
Along with these points is, of course, the way you present yourself in the physical. Yes, we are talking fashion of course! If you dress frumpy, than your approach will be, well, frumpy. If you are dressed well and tailored (we can’t stress how important tailoring is) than you will have no issues presenting yourself in the way we described. Dressing well is a sign of good manners. It’s a sign that you showed up today. Whether you are going to the coffee shop, an after work cocktail, or a night on the town, the way you dress has everything to do with your outcomes.
Go after what you want, BE CONFIDENT and dress SUPERIOR!
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