
Aries Horoscope

(March 21-April 19)

Music will save a soul. Feeling low or simply melancholy? Play some tunes, kick up your feet, put your head back, and meditate on the vibratory sounds. Your spirit will be inspired.


Taurus Horoscope

(April 20- May 20)

Stick to the plan. That is it. Changing lanes now will only frustrate you later.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21- June 20)

You might have to make a split decision this week. Do not fret, because this is a great time of year for Gemini to make good choices. Worrying about your decision will only cause unnecessary fear. Remember to have faith and forge ahead with a heart filled with hope.


Cancer Horoscope

(June 21- July 22)

Frequent trips to the washroom? Visit a doctor, and you might also want to try these steps to prevent accidents from happening: Limit your fluid intake before bedtime, try not to drink liquids after 6 p.m., Avoid bladder-irritating foods and beverages, Urinate twice right before bed. Do pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels). Other than that make sure you get your proper amount of water each day as well.


Leo Horoscope

(July 23- August 22)

Sleeping soundly, eating properly, daily exercise, letting little things go, and working to resolve tough issues will be the main agenda for you busy Leos this week. For you Leos who do a lot more lounging than activity, you should at least watch your fat intake, and oxygenate your cells with more greens.


Virgo Horoscope

(August 23 – September 22)

Nip all habits in the bud. Having an addiction hold power over you will only keep you under its control. Quitting or cutting down will help you to take back your power so you can increase your self-worth and enhance your happiness.


Libra Horoscope

(September 23- October 22)

Love, peace and joy, they are all on the rise.


Scorpio Horoscope

(October 23- November 21)

An ex-lover will surface. If you want them then go for it. If you could not care less then do not string them along. If you are in a committed relationship then do not bother even entertaining the past.


Sagittarius Horoscope

(November 22- December 21)

Expect a friend to express words and actions of love and respect, they adore you and will want nothing more than for you to know.


Capricorn Horoscope

(December 22- January 19)

If someone disappoints you it is not their fault. They are doing what they want to live their life and they are not indebted to you. Try to understand that nobody is perfect and will often let you down. It is a part of life to be disappointed. It not only makes us wiser, it also makes us more considerate to others, because we know how it feels to be let down.


Aquarius Horoscope

(January 20- February 18)

Do not make promises you cannot keep. Be real and make reachable goals and realistic commitments.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19- March 20)

You have a true comical side to you that others are loving and appreciating.

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