At a time when we have become workaholics, sleep-deprived, overstressed, and have anxiety attacks, women and men are still opting to meet our everyday responsibilities, instead of vying for more sexy time. We schedule all of our events in our google calendars, blackberries and smart phones, but there is no mention of sex. Let’s talk about sex in today’s marriages, instead of giving excuses for not doing it. Here is a challenge we should consider as the New Year approaches: Schedule it. There are too many benefits to having sex that we are missing out on. In the words of the American hip-pop trio Salt-N-Pepa, Let’s Talk About Sex: The Top 6ex Health Benefits Of Doing It.

Sex Improves Mental Health And Brain Function:
Let's talk about sex

Do not underestimate the need for being close to your partner. This is the way to kick stress and anxiety out the door. How? Touching and hugging releases the hormone oxytocin, better known as the “feel-good hormone”, which helps us to bond and build trust. Additionally, sex and intimacy have the ability to boost self-esteem and happiness. If your doctor has not suggested it, write it on your prescription yourself. Sex is the medicine for a happy life with your partner.

It will be interesting: Sex News You Need To Know

Sex Improves Sleep:

Being sleep deprived, this day and age, appears to be the norm. Taking your prescription at the scheduled time will change this. The endorphins released after sex will help to flush the stress-related hormone, cortisol, out of the system leading to better sleep and deep relaxation. Therefore, when you fall asleep immediately, don’t look at it as a bad thing. That’s normal.

Sex Counts As Exercise:
Let's talk about sex

This is a no-brainer, we burn calories in the process. So, let’s talk about sex. You can burn up to 80 calories just by kissing. If the kissing is vigorous and involves some petting, it could be even closer to 90 calories burned in an hour. Even more fascinating, the researcher reportedly found that a man attempting to remove a bra with his mouth burns as many as 80 calories. There are other activities like the push-ups you do while kissing as your partner is lying down, and dirty dancing burns over 100 calories. Needless to say, sex truly is a form of exercise. The point is, schedule “gym” time and get busy! Also, like exercise, consistency matters.

Sex Lowers Heart Attack Risk:

The fact is, men who have frequent sex are more likely to be healthier than their counterparts. Men who indulge in regular sex are up to 45% less likely to develop life-threatening heart conditions than men who have sex once a month or less. During one study, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had sex rarely. Naturally, sex is a physical activity and directly serves to protect cardiovascular health. Additionally, men who have frequent sex might be more likely to be in a supportive intimate relationship and this might improve health through stress reduction and social support. In other words, let’s talk about sex because a good sex life is, plain and simple, good for your heart.

Sex Lessens Pain:
Let's talk about sex

Here is the dirty secret. Sex lessens pain! Oxytocin which promotes a sense of calm, reduces the perception of pain. Skin-to-skin touching with peak effects at orgasm contributes to pain relief. Additional substances such as serotonin, our body’s natural anti-depressant, phenylethylamine, which activates the brain’s pleasure centre, and endorphins, a natural painkiller that reduce pain awareness and generate feelings of elation and euphoria, all give us reasons to have more sex even when we are experiencing pain. According to one study, vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain, and many women have indicated that genital self-stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headache.

Reduces The Likelihood Of Prostate Cancer:

Sexual activity on a consistent basis reduces the chance of prostate cancer or other prostate problems, because toxins are cleared through regular ejaculation. Furthermore, regular ejaculation enhances the immune system’s response to the presence of cancer cells. Sex may also reduce the development of tiny crystals that are associated with some cancers. To reiterate, sexual activity also reduces stress, calming the central nervous system, which may reduce cancer cell division and growth. Therefore, the general consensus is that sex is beneficial for prostate health. 

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So men and women, what are you waiting for. Let’s talk about sex with our partners. This should be at the top of our New Year’s resolution. And you don’t have to wait until the New Year. Get out those calendars, decide on a set schedule with your partner, and begin to enjoy the benefits and the joy of having sex.

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