If you have a Monday to Friday job, there is a general pattern of psychological ups and downs that you, your coworkers and your boss will follow. As a result of this pattern, we can all follow some simple steps to getting the most out of our day and our work week.

Time to Retreat: Monday at 9:00 am
This is the worst time to work with others on a task. You have just gotten back from the weekend, everyone’s inbox is full, your coworkers are planning out their week, and everyone is settling back into work mode. If you disrupt others with questions or assignments, you will be met with resentment and stress. Instead, use this time to get smaller tasks out of the way, such as responding to emails, prioritizing your projects, or finishing up those tedious jobs that always seem to be looming over you. This is the ideal time to de-clutter your desk, your workload and your mind, to get a fresh start to the week.
Meeting with the Boss: Monday or Tuesday Afternoon
If you need to check in with your boss about a particular project, schedule the meeting for the beginning of the week, ideally after lunch on Monday or Tuesday. If you schedule the meeting after lunch, it means that you are both refreshed after a break. Having the meeting at the beginning of the week allows you to leave with an action plan for the remaining days, instead of a plan to resume after the weekend.
Meeting with Your Team: Wednesday Midday
The best day for a focused, productive meeting is Wednesday. Your coworkers are well into their work week; not tired from the weekend, or mentally checked out in preparation for the following weekend.
Asking for a Promotion or a Raise: Thursday Afternoon
Not every Thursday afternoon is ideal for asking for a promotion or a raise from your boss. There may be circumstances that interfere with this rule, so watch for fluctuations in your boss’s mood, and don’t schedule this meeting during a particularly slow time in the company, or during a busy week. Schedule a meeting on a Thursday afternoon, after you have had a week full of accomplishment and success. If you met a goal, gained a client, or completed a big project, now is the time to ask for a reward.
Every work week is different, but we are creatures of habit, and in general, these rules apply. Try mapping out your work week with these simple tips, to ensure your most productive, effective, and rewarding work experience yet.