Let’s fast-track to a successful first date with her––where the conversations are naturally flowing and sparks are flying everywhere––yet you find there’s one key element missing: PHYSICAL.
How do you initiate this?
Depending on the setting, a subtle touch can convey a loud message of your interest, without compromising her comfort level. In initiating this integral physical aspect of your interaction with her, keep in mind that “slow and steady” wins the race. Something as suggestive as a light touch sends the right message across that you’re interested in her past a platonic level. It’s time to display your physical confidence, however, not in the aggressive and macho way––there’s a time and place for that––but for now, a rather confident and simple touch will do. Just so you don’t cross her boundaries, for example: a lean-in to whisper sweet-nothings, placing your hand right at the small of her back while walking with her, brushing her arms, a little peck on her cheek, etc., all prime her for more, as she becomes comfortable with you by the minute. You might not have Midas’s golden hands, but a delicate touch goes a long way in warming her up to your physical advances, if she’s interested. Those little physical gestures speak volumes about your confidence, especially when executed in a timely manner.
Unlike the fledgling dater who’s all hands-on within 5 minutes of meeting a woman mildly interested in him, the skilled dater is reserved. He has a knack for when to turn up her physical attraction dial––given the setting––and ultimately her reception to his touch. To ward off the dreaded Friend Zone, it’s important you establish some minimal physical contact with the prospective woman, and especially in the early stages. You’ve now reached that critical make-it or break-it moment at the end of the night: to kiss or not to kiss her? That is the question. Find out next week.
Think you are in the Friend Zone? Read More