By: Myke Macapinlac
Are you tired of living a life inside a box? Do you aspire to get more than what you currently have? As a man, you’re born with everything you need to become successful. But it’s fear of the unknown that holds you back from getting what you really want. You can re-frame that emotion as an asset: Because you don’t know what’s going to happen, you can make anything happen.
Unleashing the man within you takes a lot of effort. It’s not an easy thing to do but the end result is remarkable. You will become a much better person who feels fulfilled and purpose-driven. Isn’t that worth the struggle?
Never let other people dictate you what to do and how to handle your life.
Recognize what is it that you really want and be relentless in pursuing it.
Taking massive action overtime will have a significant impact on how you perceive yourself.
Here are two steps towards being a real man, even if you’re scared:
Get to Know Yourself Intimately

The problem with most men nowadays is that they really don’t know who they are. They are caught up with what society dictates them to be, and bogged down living up other people’s expectations of them. This will lead to having an identity crisis, and a lot of disappointment. If you don’t have a good relationship with yourself, how can you expect to have good relationships with others?
The first step in unleashing the man within you – know yourself first above all others.
Self-discovery is a process. It’s one of the most rewarding things you can do. My caution to you though is to be easy on yourself because it doesn’t happen overnight. Start off by listing out your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. What are they? Take a current assessment of yourself today. This becomes the starting point of your journey to becoming your ideal self.
Be Specific On What You Really Want
If you don’t know what you want, any map will take you there. Don’t be surprised if you end up somewhere in life that you didn’t choose for yourself. Without taking ownership of your goals, you’ll be easily swayed by what other people think you should do. The key here is to be very specific about what you want. The more you can define what you’re trying to accomplish, the more clarity you’ll have on what it takes to achieve your personal happiness.
Eventually, this will have a ripple effect on your dating life as well. The pinnacle of having attractive women in your life is to have an equally attractive lifestyle to invite them into. Women want to be part of something significant. Follow your own True North. You will get closer to the woman you have always wanted because you’ll know what kind of man you need to become.

Ask yourself the following questions:
• If I couldnt’t fail and money wasn’t an issue, what is something I would love to do?
• Who do I know that’s getting the result that I really want in my life?
• What’s the one thing I can do today to get started?
Take some time to write this down and get clear on your vision. You can’t improve on what you can’t measure.
The greatest achievement in life is to be able to do work that matters to you. Everyday, people fail at doing something they hate, why not fail at doing something you love? Don’t go through life in quiet desperation. You can have anything that you want, as long as you’re willing to work hard for it. Focus on the internal, and external abundance will be a by-product.
Myke Macapinlac doesn’t just help men attract women. He gives women good men. His mission is to inspire purpose-driven action so that the people he works with can have a clear plan to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. He is the Program Director for Social Man Project and the Author of Magnetic Dating. His work has been featured in Calgary Herald, Breakfast Television, Lifestyle Entrepreneur. To get to know him personally, you can find out more about him on his website at