
The city just had yet another successful Toronto International Film Festival.   As usual we had George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Salma Hayek, Matt Damon and other A-Listers zip through Toronto’s best theaters and concert halls as they posed for the cameras and donned on the red carpet.

But if you look on the other side of the red carpet, no, not towards the cinema, the other way, you’ll see floods of adorning fans doing their best to catch a glimpse.  Screaming, shouting, wrestling for an autograph, or better yet, a selfie with the celebrity.  That is what the crowd  came for.

Ironically however, behind closed doors, when the cameras are off, any celebrity will tell you that they’re regular people just like you and I, and they say that because it’s simply the truth.  We are all God’s creation, and we all have gifts of our own.  It’s amazing to know that the celebrity on stage got there because they manifested their gift from God and as a result it made them an incredible success.  Sometimes, with the right focus on your lens, it will give you the inclination to do the same and follow your dream.

READ MORE: P Is For Patience

Tap into your true God given gift and play to your strengths, whether it be in math or music, science or screen play.  Why not teaching or technology, speaking or spark plugs, business or ballet? Whatever it is that you are passionate about, tap into it.  Go towards it.  You might get beat up by it, but rise within it.  Because if you think about it, that’s exactly what the celebrity did.  They stayed determined at their craft until one day they were able to show up on a red carpet, at the Toronto International Film Festival, for you to admire.

So next time you gaze at a celebrity, and the sight gets hazy as you think that maybe this podium moment can be yours, it can.  It really is possible.  The only thing you need to remember is to be relentless, never give up, and realize that the star that is shinning really bright, is the star within you.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Akua

    Fantastic article John…

    1. John

      Thanks so much Akua, I’m really glad you enjoyed it!

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