We’ve all had ‘cluttered lives’ at some point. A cluttered life doesn’t just refer to physical clutter but includes having possessions, thoughts or experiences that don’t spark joy. If you think that this is you, we have some tips on cleaning out your life.
Clean Up Your Relationships:
One of the first steps in cleaning out your life is to clean up your relationships. What you can do is no longer participate in relationships that don’t serve you and actively pursue relationships that do. This may involve reassessing romantic or platonic relationships and making sure that you only feed what helps you grow. Doing this will remove some of the ‘clutter’ of misunderstandings, resentments, and even stagnation which sometimes can feel like they are cluttering your mind.
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Declutter Your Mind:
Another thing you can do as part of cleaning out your life is to focus on decluttering your mind. A cluttered mind inhibits you from clarity in your life because your mind is restless and often unfocused. When your mind is cluttered you may be worried about your future or continuously thinking of your mental to-do list. But there are some techniques like writing information down that you need to remember (like appointments, numbers, ideas), or keeping a journal as an inner chat with yourself that allow you to declutter your mind. This can help you feel less stressed and hopefully inhibit your inner critic while allowing you to absorb information that you actually need.
Dispose of What You Don’t Need:
This means physically cleaning out your life. You have broken stuff you store? Either fix it or get rid of it. Clothes that don’t fit you that you are keeping in hopes they one day will? Donate them. Old beauty products that you either don’t use or are past their expiration? Don’t keep them. Take a look at your possessions and don’t keep what you don’t need. Do this at home, in your car, and in your workspace.
Clean Out Your Attitude:
Winston Churchill said that attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. When you are cleaning out your life you may need to clean out your attitude. Do you find that you frequently have a negative attitude? Your attitude is your mindset or beliefs and often determines the choices that we make. The consequences of a negative attitude can include hatred, pessimism, doubt, and jealousy.
So when you are cleaning out your life, and getting rid of what doesn’t serve you- make sure a bad attitude is on that list.
Clean Out Your Time:
Make a schedule and organize yourself. Clean out your time to allow the opportunity to rediscover your talents, or discover new ones. Read a book that inspires you or teaches you. Find a podcast that gets you excited. Make a playlist that will get you to the gym. Give yourself time for self-reflection. Determine your core values and build your time around it. A way to clean out your life is to be purposeful about how you spend your time.
Life is full of challenges and experiences. No matter who you are you should frequently clean out your life. Asses yourself and start cleaning!