I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- the big city is the place where dreams are made of, where that little Diva hustler in you makes things happen, werking it like the sun never goes down and coffee is your life support fuel, still looking too cute in your little black Hepburn dress, pumps and matching bag! However the trouble with being little miss “Me, Myself, and I” in the big city is that eventually you burn out, hit this massive wall of exhaustion and despite really figuring out the real you, what makes you happy and being in your element, you can’t really make use of it being too busy and tired holding it all together from your day to night job then overnight bar tending job to weekend promo gig, sleeping during commute times and on lunch breaksl! Maybe we stretched how fabulous being an Independent Boss Lady can really be, I mean we like being treated to the spa too ya know! Mr. Big you’re gonna help a sister out with getting our hair and nails did right?
All us Divas come to the big city for a few of the same reasons – we want out of our boring and mundane lives we were born into, get away from the people, fears and things that have tarnished our natural shine and really just want to create a life that’s our own, no limits or drama and all fun. Sounds super cheesy I know but hey we’re fabulous and being anything but happy and fun around the clock creates wrinkles hunny! I’m going to let that ego of mine run wild for a minute and say that true Divas are a unique and special breed of women, the Beyonce’s of the world will you! We’ve all decided early on in our cute, fabulous, Barbie loving days (that never ends by the way) that we’re going to be independent, self-sufficient and be in holy matrimony for all the right reasons, never ever attaching it to materialistic possessions. Most times it’s because we’ve seen love or what people around you consider “love” go sour, and money turning things ugly and un-equal. Maybe we’ve heard our moms say “I really want to travel more but your dad doesn’t” when you really know it means he doesn’t want to pay for it or anything that isn’t in his personal budget for that matter. Here we are thinking we want to run the world so duh the little girl Diva us says “I got me and I’m always going to do me!” The older we get the more our pride, ego, and stubbornness gets in the way and when our actual Prince Charming wants to step in we end up using our independent-ness as a mask for the fear of getting too attached to only be left astray having to start building yourself up all over again thinking one more round of this just might kill your soul. I know we’re all self-conscious of it, I’ll just be the first to admit it. Don’t get this twisted for us being jaded or unable to change, we’re a little bent and stuck in our ways definitely not broken, we’re fighters hunny! We know that eventually our fabulous, fun, and supportive ways will pay off it just takes some time to get going again when we find the right one.
So how do you loosen up of your ” I am an Independent Diva, hear me roar” and let yourself fall in love again and being treated like the true queen you are? That comes with changing the doubting voices in your head and releasing whoever around you has tried to pull it down because you know all those mean girls you once called friends are drowning you out darling! To the Mr. Big’s of the world too amazing to actually read my girlish words, give that little Diva of yours all the time she needs to let you step in because duh she’s obviously worth it! Oh yah buy her loubous just for the hell of it too! Kiss, kiss hunny and happy loving, ya’ll are so worth it!

One love,
Julia Marie Gallo xox