There’s nothing sexier than safe, consensual sex. Durex Canada and (RED)® are redefining what it means to be a hero this
Valentine’s Day by encouraging Canadians to put on a “cape,” (I.E. a condom). Durex wants to empower consumers with the message, #HaveSexSaveLives, no leotard required. In this case, safe sex can be the super power that helps you save the world.
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#HaveSexSaveLives is a groundbreaking awareness/fundraising program developed by two famous brands, Durex and (RED)®. Together, they are on a mission to get Canadians to come together by enjoying sensational sex while supporting the international fight against HIV/AIDS. Tragically, HIV/AIDS is still a problem that affects millions of people. To support the AIDS fight, (DUREXTM) RED has released a limited-edition tin of condoms. Every purchase will help raise money for the Global Fund to finance programs that deliver prevention, treatment, counseling, testing and care services for people impacted by HIV. To date, Global Fund grants supported by (RED)® have impacted more than 140 million people around the world. This means you can have good sex while doing good for others.
Proceeds from (DUREXTM) RED three-year partnership will go directly to the ‘Girls in School’ program in South Africa, where 7.2 million people currently live with HIV. The program aims to reduce new HIV infections and pregnancies among young women by encouraging girls to stay in school, and providing them with improved access to sexual health and reproductive services. Durex, part of Reckitt Benckiser (RB), has pledged a minimum donation of $5 million, through the (DUREXTM).
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match the Durex donation, taking the total to a minimum $10 million.That’s yet another reason to choose Durex this Valentine’s Day.
Michele Brown Beecker is RB Health Canada’s Marketing VP. Says Brown, “Durex is a leader in global sexual health and wellbeing, with more than 80 years of experience educating consumers on the importance of safe sex. There are very few brands with such an authentic and consistent commitment to this very worthwhile cause. Brown Becker goes on to explain, “By pledging to #HaveSexSaveLives this Valentine’s Day, you will help to advance (RED)®’s global mission to reduce and ultimately eliminate the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Providing this social benefit has never felt so good. Together, we can envision a world without AIDS.” And what a wonderful world that would be…
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