“Sex with Dr. Jess” Bachelorette: Lili!

Lili is a busy entrepreneur in health, wellness & the arts. She is adamant about energy work and only pursuing the things she loves in life. She is grateful to have been on the TV series Suits since it started, being surrounded by such talented and fun co-workers and friends. Beyond that, she does light work in the form of her custom semi-precious gemstone jewelry line Lili Om Jewelry, which she handcrafts with a mantra of positive intention she based from the ideas she learned while on a life-changing Shamanic journey in Tulum, MX last year.
She is beginning her training as a Reiki practitioner, which will go along with her practice of “saging” homes and properties with stagnant energies. She is also busy developing an organic juicing & health food company. She hasn’t always been into alternative thinking having grown up highly focused on academia, dancing, running track, and earning her Kinesiology degree. But it was an epiphany while juggling these activities that made her realize how precious every moment of life is, and that it is never worth being too busy to appreciate every minute. She made a vow to herself than to not ever get too stressed about anything that would make her moments fleeting – and has never looked back! Lili then went on to do much traveling and living in the US and Caribbean but has since settled back in Toronto to bring together all of the experiences she is extremely grateful to have had, and to share her message on a larger scale.
Being content in her lifestyle, Lili values kindness and mindfulness and would welcome someone to share in her journey of life. Someone who would inspire her and together they would build on their ideas of a healthy lifestyle with positive intention and to share it with others synergistically. Namaste!

Name: Lili
Occupation: Actor, Lili Om Jewelry designer; currently training to be a Reiki practitioner
Things I’m passionate about: Opening people up to being free and present and being a messenger for positivity. I’m also very passionate about nutrition and physical activity.
My ideal first date would be: Something fun and exhilarating that we could experience together, and have lots of laughter and connections.
People say that I am: Hmm…. I suppose I am often told I am sweet and motivated…although it’s hard to answer that about myself :s
My ideal partner is: Someone inspiring, kind and mindful. Someone who is also very real and open to spirituality and passionate about health and fitness – a corporate professional who can complement me too.
Dating deal breakers: As funny as it seems (I have a degree in Kinesiology) so – bad posture!; And poor self-talk.
I’m not bragging but I: Make really yummy gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free foods and desserts:)
A talent that may surprise you: I am a national hip hop dance champ. Yes yes
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: My playlists are always changing and varied from EDM, RnB, hip hop to soothing yoga music but…Drake, The Weeknd, and Ellie Goulding
My dream vacation: Somewhere private, hot and near an ocean 🙂
On weekends you’ll find me: At The Extension Room for ballet boot camp and at Moksha yoga! (that goes for almost every other day of the week as well). At night – creating new pieces or out with the girls
What I put on my burger: In the rare times I treat myself to a bun-free burger…it’s a ketchup smiley face. Always.
I was most impressed on a date when he: He flew to Toronto from the US for only two days to see me.
In high school I was: In every group, trying to equalize everyone! lol. Athletes, the girly girls, the volunteer troupers…..
My guilty indulgence is: Raw cacao every day; choosing organic as much as possible
In my past life I was: I’m not sure I believe in past lives…
In my next life I’ll be: I’m not sure I believe in a next life…but I sure believe in the PRESENT 🙂
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: Adventure-comedy – oh boy do I have some fun travel stories!! I am often told I should write a book or blog about them!
The actor that should play my life story is: Rachel McAdams or Mila Kunis – love her spirit, she is so free-spirited and multi-faceted
Favourite ice cream flavour: Non-dairy, mint chocolate coconut. So I make my own non-dairy “ice cream” It’s delicious and very healthy I swear! – ask me how!
To relieve stress I: Turn up my current favourite songs and fly and dance it out – wooohoooo!
If I played hooky I’d: Ok come on guys, I rarely do this ;)…but umm ok I’d probably be boarding that plane
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be:
1)For good health/long lives for my family/friends
2)to set up my own large charitable foundation
3)to be able to continue to spread messages of love for a very long time

Clothing sponsor: Da Zooo
Special sponsor: Sex with Dr. Jess
Photographer: Steven Lopez/Magazine4You
Make-up: Grace Howley/2 Sisters & A Dream