If you’re someone that walks through life with a pessimistic view and negative attitude, it makes it pretty hard to have healthy relationships. Dating with a negative mind is recipe for disaster and unless people stop seeing the glass half empty, you’re never going to have the relationship they desire.

The sad thing is, no matter how hard anyone tries to help them or how much insightful wisdom they retain, people who suffer from UPNV (“Unnecessary, Pessimistic and Negative View” of Life) sometimes just can’t be helped.

UPNV can happen to the best of us and, chances are you probably know quite a few of thinking more about what could go wrong than what could go right, you might just notice this reflecting in your relationships.

It’s the people suffering from UPNV that are the ones who are most resistant to change. I’m talking resistant with a capital R. You know who they are. If you just so happen to be one of them, there’s something you should know. The U in UPNV stands for unnecessary, which means this view of life is completely pointless. Who wants to go through life thinking the worst about every situation?

Dating Disease

Everything you think is not necessarily real in reality. Everything in reality is actually a choice. And every choice you make dramatically alters your future. This includes your dating future as well. The best thing about this is that it’s all up to you. When you take control of your dating future of your dating future and relationships, you put the power back in your hands.

As a relationship coach, I talk to single people every day.  Most of the people I talk to are fairly positive and have an optimistic outlook on the future. I’m around single people every day who want to find a great partner and keep a great relationship. Thank goodness 4 out of 5 of these people are willing and ready to invest in themselves to change their situation for the better.

These are the people I love to work with. These are the people that don’t suffer from UPNV.

Dating Disease

I recently spoke with a lovely woman named Chantal from Montreal. Chantal is one of the people in the 4 out of 5 category who does not suffer from UPNV. I will never forget what she said to me. In a voice of someone who had recently found their power she said, “I’ve been telling myself for far too long that it’s hard to meet people. Forever I’ve believed ‘odds are I won’t find someone who can love me.’ What’s worse is I’ve believed it all these years like it’s completely real! Even worse still is I’ve been telling other people the same, and they believe me too! But I’m done with that now. I want to change that today.”

Chantal was open to change and signed on to use my process, The Organic Method of Dating. Chantal is quickly learning to use her power and is realizing that by changing her thoughts she is literally changing her dating future. Are you ready to be open to change like Chantal? It is the expression of my mission to help people everywhere see that they can make the positive changes. It is these changes that are necessary to fulfill their desire for a healthy and lasting relationship.

Finding a great partner is important to everyone and is something that is absolutely possible. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to finding a great partner and keeping a great relationship then I can’t wait to hear from you. Click below to schedule an appointment with me today so I can help you step on the path toward the love you deserve.

Looking for more ways to up your dating game?  Read More

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