Aries Horoscope
(March 21-April 19)
Stick to your goals. Whether it is to get fit/healthy, reconcile with someone, find a new career, save money etc, just keep on keeping on.
Taurus Horoscope
(April 20- May 20)
You will be thrilled with yourself this week for many things. One thing for sure you will see an intriguing side of you that is in the midst of transforming who you are.
Gemini Horoscope
(May 21- June 20)
It is clear to see when love is love. If it is meant to be it will be, however, to make it work you have to apply effort.
Cancer Horoscope
(June 21- July 22)
Hug, love, laugh and enjoy the moment, for the moment passes quickly.
Leo Horoscope
(July 23- August 22)
Give it your all and nothing else, because sticking to your goals right now is key to accomplishing them.
Virgo Horoscope
(August 23 – September 22)
Open up to someone who you can trust. Holding things in will only increase stress.

Libra Horoscope
(September 23- October 22)
If they do not like you, that is none of your business. As long as you like you is all that matters. Self love is the most powerful.
Scorpio Horoscope
(October 23- November 21)
Citrus helps to prevent cold viruses. Eat some seeds and skin from the orange as well. Not only that, they are nutritious.
Sagittarius Horoscope
(November 22- December 21)
Climb on board and enjoy the ride of life. Complaining about the journey or the company you are with is not necessary, because at a this point it is best to let nature take its course and be an observer as opposed to a complainer.
Capricorn Horoscope
(December 22- January 19)
Try not to get made easily at those individuals who cannot keep a promise. If it is their nature to cancel at the last moment, or not keep their word, then perhaps it is best to start making plans with a more reliable person.
Aquarius Horoscope
(January 20- February 18)
Crying is not weakness, it shows emotion. However, expressing anger, hate and resentment is a weakness, it is easy to complain, it happens naturally, but holding your tongue and accepting what you cannot change demonstrates inner strength.
Pisces Horoscope
(Feb 19- March 20)
There is nothing more beautiful than loving you for who you are. Try not to be hard on yourself when you do something that upsets others or even you; self-forgiveness is key.