Last weekend, I had the pleasure of exhibiting and speaking at The Everything to do With Sex Show in Toronto. Over 45 000 guests passed through the doors of this action-packed trade show and more than 5000 singles and couples attended my seminars on oral sex. I could not believe the turnout! Apparently fellatio and cunnilingus are hot topics and people arrived in droves to learn the “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Vagina” and “The Goddess” techniques alongside a few hundred of their closest acquaintances. It was quite the rush to stand on the stage in front of such a large crowd of eager and enthusiastic students. Now, it is my pleasure to share my favourite money-move with you, my loyal readers.

The Goddess hand-job technique is a sure-fire way to finish him off and leave him aching for more of you, you and only you! It’s super easy and can be adapted to suit a range of positions of scenarios. Try it out tonight and let me know how it goes:

  • Rub a lavish amount of lube between your hands so that they are slippery and warm.
  • Wrap both hands around the base of his penis interlacing your fingers and squeezing tightly.
  • Slip and slide from the base to tip using firm pressure and a steady rhythm.
  • As you approach the head, twist your hands around his swollen ridge in a smooth fashion.
  • If he likes a little extra pressure, add a little squeeze at the very base of his cock with each stroke.

It really is that easy! I often wonder why using two hands with lube is not more intuitive, but once you try it out, you’ll never go back to the simple one-hander.

Until next time, have fun, experiment and adjust “The Goddess” to suit your needs and work your lover into a frenzy of orgasmic release.

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