Chivalry is a concept that has been lost to some people in modern times, it is a concept that revolves around acting like a gentleman, having good manners, being polite, being considerate and making an effort.  The problem is people aren’t the same as they use to be. Times have changed, how we treat one another has changed, expectations have changed and not necessarily for the better.
chivalryI could take the easy route and just say chivalry is dead because men don’t know how to act anymore, which would make a lot of people happy but I don’t believe that is the case. Society has killed chivalry because people’s perception of relationships and chivalry in itself has changed. Men and women don’t treat each other with the same level of respect as they use to and it shows.
ChivalryThe standards have slowly lowered throughout the years and it shows, I’m not just talking about a guy offering to pay for the meals on the date, its more than just that. People aren’t real gentleman anymore because they don’t think they have to be. Guys and girls’ standards on what they expect from the people they care about have gotten lower and lower, causing people to be too lazy to truly try anymore.
Chivalry is basically being a gentleman, obviously, the perception of what a gentleman is has changed throughout the years but nowadays when a man acts like a gentleman it is viewed as a weakness, not in his eyes but the people around him. People always say nice guys finish last, and the mentality that people want this “bad boy” persona has permeated throughout society causing a change in how we treat one another.                It will be interesting: Staying Single Vs Relationships This Summer
ChivalryHow many men still open the door for their girl before getting in the car? How many give them their jackets when they get cold? How many guys send flowers? People don’t really expect any of that anymore and we as a society seem to be ok with that. I am not saying that we need to start doing all of that again or live our life like an early 200’s romantic comedy. The argument I am making is that we as a society need to learn how to treat one another with respect, we need to learn how to spoil the person we care about and we need to learn to expect more from someone who apparently cares for us.
Chivalry isn’t something that is completely gone but if we continue to put other people second at all times, then chivalry really will be dead.

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