Hold steady. And let it kill you. Let it through all the way in. Surrender. Give into it. And you will realize what you did not know. And see what you were not seeing. It’s not going over the pain, getting over obstacles, and fighting through, piercing through what’s ahead of you. In fact, they’re not ahead of you, they are inside, and you stepped away from it. So lean in. Let them through. Find your centre again. In that moment of blissful pain and sensations, you will see them go away, and you won’t be left craving for more, but to learn how to observe it with tranquility.
Losing yourself is natural. Your mind likes to wander away. Give in. Don’t try. Just watch. Just observe. Peace is always inside. Silence is always there. Surrender. And see your eyes open in new light.
When the right side feels it again, just remember to give in, instead of holding on. Relax your eyes, soften your gaze, empty your mind, feel it. Feel your brokenness, vulnerability, exposure. And acknowledge you are human, an animal, a living creature. And they hurt, they go through pain, and it’s natural to go through suffering. And it’s okay to hurt. It’s okay to feel the pain. And it’s okay to be afraid, and to feel vulnerable. It’s the truth, and truth is a powerful thing.
Keep losing yourself, Keep coming back, Keep marching on forward.
“The warrior is to find peace.”
It’s okay to be afraid, and it’s okay to say that you are afraid.