Behold! All the latest sexy, fascinating and useful pieces of information you’ve ever wanted to know about female anatomy, your own, and the awesomeness of sex itself, plus a few “what-the-hell-is-going-on” surprises. Because the more you know, the more you O!
14 Crazy-Hot Sex Tips
1. A woman’s breasts can swell up to 25 per cent when she’s aroused, making them super sensitive. Plus, nipple stimulation activates the same part of the brain as clitoral, vaginal and cervical stimulation – so engaging all of them at once makes for a whole lot of fun.
2.The average speed of a guy’s ejaculation is 45 km/h. And semen can keep the smile of your partner looking gorgeous. It contains zinc and calcium that fight tooth decay. At the same time, know that semen isn’t low carb – it’s mostly made of sugar. Also, it’s possible for you to orgasm and not ejaculate. So if she doesn’t see any, uh, evidence, calm her down, that doesn’t mean you were faking it. This is a piece of information worth sharing with your partner, since the majority of women have no idea this actually happens.
3. Nerve endings in the clitoris extend out to the mons pubis (where a woman’s pubic hair grows), which is why grinding against you feels so good for a woman. Therefore, even though the clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and it doesn’t stop growing (by age 32, a woman’s clitoris is four times larger than it was at puberty, that’s why a woman’s odds of climaxing increase as she ages), resist the temptation to just hit the jackpot. Diversity is always good.
4. Not only does it feel amazing, your orgasm also has other things going for it. It releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and oxytocin, which makes you feel more connected as a couple and overall happier. The National Bureau of Economic Research in the US found that having sex often can make you feel as happy as earning an extra 100,000 $ a year does. Even though the typical female orgasm lasts 25 seconds (boo-hoo!), all these feel-good hormones rush through her entire body in no time. Also, studies show that sex can boost your immune system while sex during her period can ease menstrual cramps.
5. She can amp up your pleasure during oral sex by stroking your inner thighs. Because this area is so close to your genitals, the extra flow of blood will heighten your sensations. Also, she can apply a minty lip balm before kissing – it will send tingles to your package. If you’re close to climaxing, she can buy some time by squeezing the head of your penis. If she’s the one prone to not lasting very long during oral, tell her to sprinkle salt on her tongue before going at it. It helps lessen her gag reflex. Another tip: touching the sides of your torso triggers a nerve that makes your erection harder.
“Remember, if you smoke after sex, you’re doing it too fast” – Woody Allen
6. Thrusting flexes a woman’s pelvic floor muscles, which triggers orgasmic spasms. That’s why a woman can feel that she has an overall orgasm during the whole period of having sex, if your technique of thrusting is really amazing. Also, compliments in bed make her more likely to orgasm. Another piece of quirky information: a woman is more likely to orgasm if her feet are warm, so even though socks are the least sexy item in the bedroom repertoire, have her wear them during sex. It will feel more amazing than ever. If you want to be the one that makes her temperature rise, touch her chest or face, it’s more effective than touching her arms or hands.
7. Research shows that men who have sex within a relationship report greater pleasure than guys who have no-strings-attached sex. That’s because having sex at a certain pace and with a certain constancy helps. Sex three to five times a week can also prevent erectile dysfunctions, as it keeps your package in shape. Also, your relationship happiness is related to how often you’re touched by your girl. So grab away. Especially since hugging for 30 seconds is also a good way to get in the mood. Cuddling boosts oxytocin (aka the bonding hormone) and libido.
8. Women can have wet dreams too. It happens in the REM cycle (about 90 minutes into her sleep), when blood flow to the vagina increases. Also, fourteen per cent of women have experiences a “zone orgasm”, which happens when a part of the body other than the boobs or vagina are stimulated. Another good news for your lady counterpart: core-gasms do exist. In a recent study, 51 per cent of women reported having an orgasm during an abdominal exercise. And it’s not just for crunches. 20 per cent said they’ve experienced orgasm while practicing yoga.
9. A guy whose girlfriend hangs out with his mates too much is 92 per cent more likely to have difficulties getting erect, because he feels emasculated. So be careful before you change your partner into “one of the guys”.
10. Eating celery while with your partner? You may want to jump her – the vegetable releases odors that make you horny.

11. When you kiss someone, you exchange hormonal and health information. It’s nature’s way of allowing you to assess if you click sexually. A good sexual match is more important to women than to men. Fifty per cent of women say bad sex is a relationship deal breaker, but only 44 per cent of guys agree.
12. If you find it hard to stay hard, avoid girl-on-top as your penis will be fighting gravity. Also, don’t hold your breath during sex. The more oxygen that gets to your genitals, the more aroused you’ll be.
13. Women with a more prominent upper-lip tubercle (the puffy spot) have greater odds of having an orgasm.
14. Sex can actually blow your mind: transient amnesia (temporary memory loss) can be triggered by wild sex.
Want more sizzling sex tips? Click here
By Gabrielle Moore
Gabrielle Moore helps couples around the world improve their sex lives. She communicates daily with her more than 300,000 subscribers. Gabrielle is the author of several best-selling books, such as “The Female Orgasm Revealed“, “Turn Her On Faster“, “Hot Licks“, and many others.
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