You all know by now that women don’t cum as easily as men do. It’s likely been an issue that has frustrated you, either with your current partner or past partners. Keep in mind that different doesn’t always mean worse. Women might orgasm differently or not as easily as men, but you shouldn’t assume that means their experience isn’t as good as yours. I’ve decided to make a list of the top female orgasm myths today and let you in on the truth. Remember a man who is knowledgeable about the female body and how it works will be a much better lover.

1. MYTH – All women love G spot stimulation and want a G spot orgasm. This is a big one. The G spot orgasm gets a lot of attention from sex columns and books. It is often put up on a pedestal and thought of as the unattainable, but oh-so-desirable female orgasm. Here’s the catch, not all women enjoy G spot stimulation and not all of them even want a G spot orgasm. It’s logical when you think about it. Not all men like to have their nipples sucked or a finger in their bum, but some LOVE it! Well, of course, women are the same. Some women will absolutely love a G spot orgasm and others won’t. For some women G spot stimulation is uncomfortable, no matter how it’s done and no matter what technique is used. Many women feel the urge to pee when their G spot is stimulated and some find that unbearable. Other women have reported finding G spot stimulation painful. So if your partner tells you that G spot action is not for her, believe that she knows her own body well enough to know what she likes and what she doesn’t!

2. MYTH – G spot orgasms are superior to clitoral orgasms. There is a common belief that G spot orgasms are better than clitoral orgasms. This might be because G spot orgasms are harder to have, so it’s assumed that they are even better than the easier to achieve clitoral orgasm. Not true. Those who have had both kinds of orgasm (only an estimated 30%) say that vaginal orgasms are just different from clitoral. Some prefer one over the other, but many say they are both just awesome, but different in their own way.


3. MYTH – If she can’t orgasm it’s because you’re doing something wrong. There are many reasons why a woman might not orgasm. Like men, it could be because she is tired, stressed, distracted, had too much to drink, or a number of other factors. Sometimes it’s just not going to happen. It could also be because the woman is having performance anxiety, feeling self conscious about her body or any number of psychological reasons. It could also be because she doesn’t know her body well in a sexual sense and hasn’t explored what sensations she likes and doesn’t like. In the end it’s important to know that it’s not necessarily because you’re not doing something right. Sometimes you just have to accept that it won’t happen and enjoy sex anyway.

4. MYTH – She won’t enjoy sex if she doesn’t cum. If you have a partner who doesn’t always orgasm then you might be a believer of this myth. Some men just can’t understand how a woman could enjoy sex if it doesn’t end in an orgasm. Again, women are different. There are many that enjoy sex and all that leads up to it immensely, even if they never have an orgasm. If your partner doesn’t often have orgasms, make sure you pay a lot of attention to foreplay and make the experience passionate and intimate. She will enjoy that attention and have a great experience anyway.

5. MYTH – Women can’t ejaculate. Most of my readers should already know that this is a myth, but I wanted to add it in here just in case you somehow missed it! Some women do ejaculate. There is still a lot of research that needs to be done on this topic, but what we do know is that some women ejaculate from their urethra during a G spot orgasm. To know more, check out some of my information on female ejaculation!

Want to read more about the G Spot and less the known A Spot? Click here

By Gabrielle Moore

Gabrielle Moore helps couples around the world improve their sex lives. She communicates daily with her more than 300,000 subscribers. Gabrielle is the author of several best-selling books, such as “The Female Orgasm Revealed“, “Turn Her On Faster“, “Hot Licks“, and many others.

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