What makes a woman sexy? It is her voice? Her smile? Her confidence?

It’s hard to put on a finger on it. It seems some women own it where others have to tap into their inner sexy, which can take some work. So how can you supercharge your sexiness?

Confidence has everything to do with your attitude and believing that the only thing that can make you sexy is you! Sexiness is also a state of mind. Believing that you are inherently beautiful and loveable. Removing all those negative thoughts like “I’m getting old”, “my butt is saggy” or I have wrinkles. Choose to focus on reversing these thoughts and listen to your inner sexiness. Showcase your authentic self and share how dynamic you are with others.

Some other sexy ideas that you can cultivate on your own:

your sexiness

1. Play up your physical attributes. Do you have legs for days, killer abs, or Madonna biceps? Don’t be afraid to flaunt your nicest attributes and dress in attire that showcases your favorite assets.

2. Project your confidence, talk with meaning and be heard.

3. Expose your feminine side, by loving every inch of your body. Take a dance class or a yoga class.

4. Be witty, and let your sense of humor fly. Let go and don’t be afraid to really laugh out loud in the company of others.

5. Dress sexy yet leave something to the imagination.

6. Smell delicious, perfume or body spray in moderation. Let him remember your beautiful scent.

7. Smile. A man can easily fall in love with a killer smile. It shows that you are content and happy, which means less work for him.

8. Devote some energy into your grooming. Great hygiene, pluck/wax where needed, style your hair, and add a bit of makeup to enhance your beauty.

9. Positive energy is contagious! Spread your good vibes with others and compliment another woman, now that’s sexy.

10. Practice being naked by walking around your home nude. Being comfortable in your own skin can really make you feel sexy and is a great way to help build your confidence when trying out tip number 5.

11. Good posture. Shoulders back and look the other person in the eye when having a conversation. Really listen to what the other person is saying.

12. Express yourself! Facial expressions can add humor, sexiness and make you stand out and appear interesting.

By practicing these sexy tips you will be able to recharge your batteries and keep men on their toes.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mel Laracy

    Such a great article! I think every woman no matter how sexy others view her as have their own insecurities and this article will help all women to forget about those things and focus on the positive. Agree 100%, confidence is key and a smile is super inviting.
    Look forward to hearing more advice in the future!

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