
Aries Horoscope

(March 21-April 19)

Giving up is not an option. Remain diligent and you will win through. The darkest hour is before dawn.


Taurus Horoscope

(April 20- May 20)

Give yourself a pat on the back! You are doing things your way and you are doing a great job at it. Keep up the good work.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21- June 20)

It is okay to take a break, but not much of one. Rest and fold your hands, however, if you rest too long you may risk the threat of poverty setting in. Laziness is not your sun sign makeup, so mush!


Cancer Horoscope

(June 21- July 22)

Do what it takes to keep a level head. Allowing your emotions to get the best of you is not the idea direction to go in. It is best to use logic as opposed to emotions at this time.


Leo Horoscope

(July 23- August 22)

Feeling physical, emotional or mental pain? Focus on good thoughts and every particle in your body will respond with love and tranquility.


Virgo Horoscope

(August 23 – September 22)

You may come off as hard to deal with this week, but that is just you being particular. Nevertheless, try not to blow things out of proportion. Otherwise those who have to deal with you on constant basis will grow tired of you quickly.


Libra Horoscope

(September 23- October 22)

Give it all you got. It does not matter if it is falling in love, leaving love, future plans for work or simply a new health regimen, just stick to it.


Scorpio Horoscope

(October 23- November 21)

Give advice, because you do that well, but if the person does not pay heed to your suggestion do not take it personally. They are entitled to follow their own heart.


Sagittarius Horoscope

(November 22- December 21)

Money is on the rise. When it comes in do not spend it frivolously. Invest it wisely. Squandering it will only leave you feeling foolish later.


Capricorn Horoscope

(December 22- January 19)

New love is on the rise. This could come in the form of a new baby, a new mate or

simply a new general interest.


Aquarius Horoscope

(January 20- February 18)

Give yourself three cheers. You deserve it.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19- March 20)

You will feel more at ease when you think less and act more.

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