Forget English, talk body language. Conversations have a non-verbal facet that often goes, well, unnoticed by many men in their interactions. Women possess such great intuit that they’re able to spot quiet confidence miles away, before a guy even approaches them. Don’t get it twisted, she’s not appraising your every single body gesture, but you better believe she can tell if you’re faking confidence or the real deal. To succeed in the dating world, your body language, not size, matters to her. Let’s fine-tune that, shall we?
Body language touches on two main gestures: negative and positive. Negative body language results in a closure of the body, which in turn fires off repulsive approach signals. Soon as your wavering confidence is spotted by her––without even uttering a single word––her defenses set in and she reacts by being defensive to your approach.

Here are the 5 worst gestures:
1. Arms Folded across Chest
This is a defensive, authoritative and intimidating pose. It fences the body, restricts your movement and perceived as a “please-don’t-bother-me” sign.

2. Avoiding Eye Contact
The eyes are the focal points of interest, and the tendency to look anywhere but a woman’s face could reveal your wavering confidence.
3. Nervous Tics
Usually when one is nervous, the body responds with corresponding twitches. Tics allude to self-doubt and uncertainty, as it overtly shows how nervous you are. This carries over into fidgeting which is just as unsightly in your interactions with women.
4. Fidgeting
Random and incessant play that involves fiddling with your fingers, chewing your nails distracts the other person and mars your conversation. Stay calm and collected.
5. Body Tilt
This might come as a surprise to you but: your feet can give away your level of comfort in a conversation––that’s right, your physical stance matters. Face up women you’re talking to directly. Unconsciously, it makes you more receptive towards them, as it shows they have your undivided attention.
In the next article, I’ll touch on the vantage points of displaying positive body language.