It is the six letter word that has undoubtedly taken over our generation’s major social media platforms. In 2015 it seems that all anyone cares about is who’s posting what on which app (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat). It is safe to say selfies. are. everywhere.
We’re decoding the top six most popular kind of selfies and their true meanings that you see as you scroll through your favourite social media app!

1. The “Look at me! I’m on vacation somewhere hot and you’re not” Selfie:
We’re all guilty of this, or at least know someone who is. While some girls love to use this as an excuse to show off their bikini bods, others use this to show their knee caps overlooking some impossibly blue body of water. These pictures sting a little as you’re seeing them as it’s -40 outside. You’re a tad bit jealous of these but admit it, you would be posting the same things if you were away.
2. The “I took way too long finding this angle and filter” Selfie:
This selfie is gorgeous. Flawless even. You barely recognize this girl. You know this one took time to take and to edit. You are not mad at this selfie. This girl is after something, and we’re not just talking about her number of likes. She is trying to catch the attention of a certain someone and it’s going to work. We applaud these selfies, they deserve a double tap!

3. The “Look at my significant other” Selfie:
This is usually a selfie of your girl looking fabulous as her Bae sleeps unaware of his newfound fame on your timeline. You might be stung with a bit jealous but you’re also tremendously happy for your girl. Ultimately, this is the bragging selfie, which we’ll get into more as this list progresses.
4. The “I workout and eat Organic all of a sudden” Selfie:
This selfie kind of sucks. You’re sitting on your couch in dirty sweats seeing that one girl from high school whose gained a six pack and apparently a new way of life looking amazing right in front of your eyes. While this selfie isn’t your favourite to come across, you have to admit it is great motivation to get moving and be able to post your own six pack selfie in the future.
5. The “Drunk party rave girl” Selfie/Snap Chat:
This girl is nearing her mid-twenties and still posts her black out selfies on Instagram and Snapchat. It’s okay to post the odd Snapchat of themselves when they’re out with friends, but at what point did you think it was okay to post a 200 second Snapchat story documenting you getting drunk and losing your pants in an alley? To be taken more seriously in the workplace or in relationships steer clear of these selfies and snapchats!

6. The “Bragging” Selfie:
We all follow this girl and shed a tear everytime she posts another selfie decked out in Chanel head to toe, a perfect YSL pout in her new Range Rover. What does she do for a living? No one knows. You need to be reminded these girls AREN’T REAL. Okay, they’re real in the same way Kylie Jenners lips are real. Don’t feel too bad about these girls. Follow them for great fashion inspiration and an escape from real life.
To check out which selfies I’m guilty of, follow me on my favourite apps:
Instagram: @jasmineault
Snapchat: jasminder-92
Which selfie do you love to post? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to share with your friends!