We’re back with more great podcasts for commuters! This is a list for anyone who can’t get enough of what we call “ear porn.” We know commuting can be hell, but the soothing sounds of your favourite podcasters can make the crowded, sweaty subway almost pleasant. Without further ado, here are three fantastic podcasts we curated just for you!

The Longest Shortest Time

“The Longest Shortest Time” is a weekly podcast devoted to the wacky world of parenting. The series is Popular with parents and non-parents alike, and for good reason. Host Andrea Silenzi tackles a diverse range of topics that are sure to keep you engaged. The show’s addressed a range of issues, from how to decide if you actually want kids to sperm donors. Silenzi even recorded an episode about people who’d given birth in their cars! What other podcast would cover that? “The Longest Shortest Time” is sometimes funny, and other times heartbreaking, but it’s always heartwarming. If you like to cry on your morning commute, this is the podcast for you!

Where Should We Begin?

“Where Should We Begin?” is perhaps the rawest podcast ever made. Each episode consists of clips from actual couples’ counseling sessions led by Esther Perel. Perel, who literally wrote the book on affairs (It’s aptly titled “The State of Affairs”), is a world-famous relationship expert whose wisdom and empathy help her patients work through a bevy of relationship issues, including rebuilding trust after infidelity, impotency, infertility, and so much more. The best part of this program is you’ll probably glean some tips for your own relationship. Perel is essentially providing the world with a free course in the psychology of love. What a time to be alive!

Slow Burn

“Slow Burn” is the Slate podcast where Leon Neyfalk analyses the revelations and machinations of recent political history. Neyfalk devotes each entire season to one historical event, deep diving like a scuba instructor on vacation. Season One consisted of eight episodes about The Watergate Scandal. Now he’s back with a sophomore season devoted to Monica Lewinsky, and the sex scandal that didn’t bring down a president, but did ruin a young woman’s life. With his dynamic rhetoric and impeccable research, Neyfalk will remind you of the coolest history teacher at your high school. He’s that special breed of person who manages to educate and entertain simultaneously. Plus, Slow Burn will provide you with some interesting facts to bust out at dinner parties!

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