
Compared to my other monthly articles, this month’s will be a little more serious, but definitely worth the read. Hope it helps with you and yours.

If you haven’t heard of them yet, THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES are a breakdown of all the possible ways humans give and receive love… MASSIVELY important to know about if you are dating, in a relationship or married.

Typically men and women have 2-3 ways that they feel loved by a significant other. Let’s see if you can identify which one(s) apply to you?


Words of Affirmation – Receiving compliments, praise, adoration, respect, acknowledgement. Less is more – a barrage of loving words can be a bit much for both people…once a day is about right. : )



service icon

Acts of Service – When someone offers a helping hand: making dinner, a back rub, pick up the dry cleaning. Taking the time to think how you could help, even just asking goes a long way. This is a huge deal for most women.




Receiving Gifts – Big or small, taking time to buy or make something for your loved one will make them feel special. Doesn’t have to be diamonds or pearls…maybe a Starbucks gift card or flowers once a month?



Quality Time – Also known as face-time. Making sure you have time for just the two of you: date night, a walk together, watching a movie together. Give him/her your undivided attention.



Physical Touch – Holding hands, kissing, the stuff between the sheets… Almost all Men and Woman have PT as one of their love languages. This means more than just sex though- all things physical are part of this language.


Put simply, understanding what makes YOU feel loved, and how to best show love to the man/woman you are dating is essential to a healthy relationship, regardless of what stage it’s in.

While I wouldn’t recommend talking about love languages on a first date (yikes), there should be some pretty hard clues to what he/she likes or dislikes.

Most common for men – Words of Affirmation (respect) and Physical Touch.

Most common for women – Acts of Service and Quality Time.

Let’s be honest… we ALL feel loved when we are getting kissed or hugged…or more. Haha!

I strongly encourage you to have a talk with your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife… And then let me know how it goes in the comments below. : )

Hope 2015 is off to a good start! I turned 31 on the 4th!!! YIKES! I was 25 when I went on The Bachelorette…where does the time go?

Thanks for reading,

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