To support what you do in the gym and get even better results; all you have to do is eat better.

March 2013 has arrived and we all know what that means! March is Nutrition Month as laid out by the Dieticians of Canada who is the national professional association for dietitians. The focus of nutrition month is to plan, shop, and cook. Because no exercise and training regimen is complete without a good diet I am going to dive right in and discuss the basics of the plan, shop, and cook initiative.


Before you even get to the grocery store know what your goal is and what you are trying to achieve with your body. Know before you get there that your goal is probably to purchase low fat meats, low sugar fruits, vegetables and healthy grain products. By preparing a list before you walk in to the grocery store, you will be well prepared and have another reason to stick to your plan which most likely does not involve donuts, cakes and chips. Stick to your list and remind yourself saying yes to some things and no to others will get you moving in the right direction to obtaining the physique you desire.


When shopping always read food labels when possible. The difference between one brand and another can be quite significant. A prime example is Greek yogurt. One brand of Greek yogurt can have 5 g of sugar per serving while another can have 20 g per serving. This is a very significant difference especially if you are diabetic so it is always important to read the labels when you can and understand what they mean. Always shop for nutrient rich foods and stay away from synthetic food (fake food) completely if possible such things as breakfast cereals, crackers, and cupcakes.

*EXCLUSIVE*  Ryan Phillippe and Ava Shop Healthy at Whole Foods


Learn to prepare more meals from scratch and as stated earlier stay away from prepackaged nonsense such as deli meats and microwaveable pizza. Eating healthy does not have to be complicated you just have to make sure you are smart about it. Often all the equipment you need is a good quality grill and a good nonstick pan and you are ready to go. Cook with small amounts of olive oil and never deep fry anything. Stay away from the evil triad (sugar, butter and salt), use herbs and spices to add flavor and you will be well on your way to cooking healthy meals and steering your physique in the right direction.

Finally remember that food is to be enjoyed and that a great physique and good health are not attainable with a bad diet. So get to work and remember you can never out-train a bad diet. Make it happen, make it fun, and above all else make it taste good.


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