Do you ever wonder what your dreams mean, or if they actually mean anything at all? Dreams are a way to better understand your waking life. Many people believe every colour, sound, or plot twist can be a reflection on an experience you’ve had in real life. And even if you don’t believe in the subconscious meaning of dreams, it can be fun to look them up!

I am an avid dream writer. This means I like to write down the details of my dreams, then reread them later on.  Recording a dream diary is a fun past-time, because it’s interesting to see how your dreams relate to what’s happening in your life, allowing you to reflect on how your mind processes  events and emotions. Personally, I write down my dreams to see the progression of how I think and what I feel which is quite interesting to compare once you write your dreams down for longer periods of time. When you look up your dreams and their meanings, keep in mind that you must relate the meaning to what is happening in your own life to fully gain an understanding of what your subconscious is processing.

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Let’s examine some common dream symbols. This prime could help you kick off your own dream diary reflections!



On a happy note… let’s start with talking about death! Don’t worry, dreaming of death does not actually predict death, but it is a theme that suggests many other interesting subjects. Dreaming of your own death could mean you’re going through major life changes. Just because the dream involves death, that does not mean the transformation in your life has to be negative. It could perhaps mean you’re seeking change in your waking life.

Often, dreaming of death signifies new beginnings and fresh starts. See, it can be a happy thing! 

When you dream of the death of your loved ones, it can mean several different things. It can suggest your relationship with that person is suffering, or perhaps you may need to move on…However, dreaming about the death of a loved one can also signify your wish for changes in that relationships, or that the real-life relationship is going through an evolution. Remember, those changes don’t have to be bad. There could also be positive positive transformations in the works!

Being Chased


Dreaming of being chased by an attacker, whether it be a person, an animal, or something/someone unknown, usually signifies feelings of anxiety. This anxiety can stem from avoidance, close-mindedness or fear of a situation in your waking life. Your responses in the dream can actually symbolize how you respond and deal with your anxieties in reality. That makes reflecting on your dream an opportunity to reflect on your real-life experiences, too.

Remember to consider different layers of a given dream in order to gain the best understanding. Ask yourself, who is chasing you? Why are you being chased? Where are you being chased? Looking up these individual factors and relating them to your waking life can be crucial for connecting the dreamland dots…



Dreaming of teeth? Nightmares of one’s teeth crumbling or teeth falling out can be terrifying! But the meaning behind such a dream isn’t necessarily so scary. That dream could connect to a number of things, including the implication that you are being untruthful, the possibility of receiving some sort of financial gain, suggestions of poor health/dental health, loss of power, or loss of healthy communication (Hence the loss of teeth).

On an aesthetic level, teeth crumbling or falling out can also relate to insecurities about our appearance. Teeth are often valued as an important part of our smiles, or our attractiveness. Loss of teeth can relate to feelings of inadequacy, rejection, or anxiety of how you are seen by others. Furthermore, this dream can also relate to getting older (As we age, our teeth typically decay), and the feeling of getting older can be frightening.



Dreaming of falling is very common. I think we can all relate to the jolt of fear we awake to when we dream that we’ve fallen, and the relief we feel once we realize it was only a dream. Falling can relate to fears of losing control of a situation in your waking life. It can reflection feelings of  being overwhelmed or fearful you’ll fall short of expectations. As an added bonus, dreaming of falling can also relate to our own insecurities and sense of low self-esteem. Perhaps you’re lacking confidence and stability, resulting in emotions revolving around shame, inadequacy or nervousness. Think about why you are dreaming of falling, and the context of the dream, because perhaps it’s a wakeup call to change your state of mind.

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Do not forget that our dreams are a manifestation of our minds processing the events of our day, those real-life situations that are making the biggest impressions on us. We are subconsciously making sense of events in our waking life so that we can adapt and live more comfortably. When you have a dream, dissect the different factors, and try researching them separately. Put together the information you have found and you may find some interesting information that makes a lot of sense in relation to an issue in your life. Use your dreams as a tool to better understand how to problem solve and to better understand yourself.

All information in this article was obtained on Dream Moods, a great dream-research tool.

Comment below: What is the strangest dream you have had?

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