By: Nicole Zand | Contributing Editor

This year’s Magazine4You TIFF Bachelor party was by far the largest, liveliest and most memorable. A stellar group of Bachelor Nation cast members arrived to celebrate the occasion and meet their loyal Canadian fans. At a media event earlier that day I had the opportunity to sit down with these Bachelor celebrities and pick their brain on a few tidbits I had been eager to ask. On first impression, what seemed to really set this year’s group apart was their down to earth nature, sharp insight and ability to introspect on their experience being on the show. Adam Gottschalk, Raven Nicole Gates, Jason Tartick, Blake Horstmann and Eric Bigger all sat down with me and allowed me to get a little personal.

Nicole: Adam, you and Raven are now living together. We know there is a world of difference between long distance and moving in together. Did you find out anything new about Raven you didn’t know before?

Adam: She’s quite the mess queen that’s for sure. I would say that’s Number 1. Number 2 is she’s quite the night owl. I’m more of a early to bed early to rise type of guy. She’s the go to bed at 2am wake up at 10am. But nothing that’s gotten under my skin or has really bugged me too much. I’m more of an OCD in being a neat freak. So if she leaves something out I don’t really give her crap about it. I just pick it up and put it away. And that’s the end of it.

Nicole: What do you think are the key ingredients to a healthy relationship?

Adam: I think communication, transparency and unconditional love.

Nicole: Raven you obviously know how to choose a quality guy. What advice would you give women on what to look for when searching for a relationship and what to avoid?

Raven: Its important to find a guy who knows who he is and what he wants. A man that questions his goals in life, purpose in life and questions what kind of woman he wants, all of that I’m little sketchy about. I feel like a true man knows what he wants and goes after it. That’s a really attractive quality.

Nicole: Raven, how do you feel about Colton being chosen as the next bachelor?

Raven: I feel like this was Colton’s goal and congratulations to him for reaching his goal.

Nicole: Jason how can you possibly build a friendship with the men in the house when you’re all vying for the same women.

Jason: Because you are going through an experience where it’s tough to relate to with anyone else. It’s a unique experience and at the same time you’re helping each other through the ups downs, good bad and ugly. You build a relationship from day one in the limo before you even meet the girl. I think at the core you can easily tell who’s there for you when you’re down, who’s there to talk to and who you can trust. It’s almost reminded me of a locker room scenario, being a hockey/soccer guy. There are guys in the locker room that you kind of rely on and utilize them as a foundation to help get you through everything. I will couple that with saying that towards the end when your feelings are really starting to develop, it starts to get a little bit awkward. And I think all of us had to put a barrier between our friendship and say that we all have mutual respect for one another and when all this is said and done we will reconnect and be friends.

Nicole: Knowing what you know now. Does the breakup with Becca make more sense? You mentioned you were blindsided.

Jason: Yes I think when you watch it all back you see things from a different lens. Watching it back its clear from night one to the end that Becca and Garret had such a natural chemistry. And what I don’t blame Becca for is although I didn’t really understand where she was coming from, she had to pursue her heart and her happiness and she found that. That’s enough closure for me to know that she found what she was looking for. My time will come.

Nicole: Blake, can you tell me what you think is your best quality and your worst quality?

Blake: Best quality I think is my transparency. I think I’m very open with how Im feeling and when Im feeling it. I don’t try to hide anything. I don’t try to put up some kind of exterior fake persona of who I am. The worst is probably also that I’m too open and too transparent …(laughing). No, honestly my worst quality is sometimes I can get in my head a little bit. I can overthink things. I can really feel what another person is feeling a lot. Im very intuitive. I trust my gut and it can be a curse at times. When you can feel in your gut something is wrong and you start over-analyzing.

Nicole: Can you describe your perfect woman.

Blake: I love strong, independent and intelligent women. Someone who can make me laugh and is really witty. Someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and clap back every once in awhile. Put me in my place. I love that in a women.

Nicole: Eric, in about 7 hours there are going to be mobs of women trying to get your attention. Doing anything and everything they can. How comfortable are you in this environment and how do you wrap your head around something like this?

Eric: I’m very comfortable. I love people so you just have to embrace the love and the support from everyone. Give them your good energy and take the photos. Being present and being yourself is also important . That’s it.

Simple and perfect.

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