Is your current relationship emotionally draining? Are you constantly arguing, crying or going to sleep upset? Perhaps you are single now, but this still sounds all too familiar and brings back memories of an unhealthy past relationship. Whatever the case may be, it is time for you to learn the facts and truly understand how toxic relationships affect your health, your well-being and your body on a physical level. Toxic relationships which bring to life an array of negative emotions can affect the absorption of vitamins and essential nutrients, lead to foods being poorly digested, weaken the immune system and cause disease. Your thoughts, your emotions and your relationships affect your physical body all the way down to the cellular level.
Did you know that gentle loving thoughts are nourishing to your body? Anger, resentment and negative thinking destroy your body in lots of ways. There is a more scientific explanation of how this happens. Neuropeptides are the chemicals that your brain releases every time you have an emotion. When you are angry, you release a different neuropeptide than when you are happy. These neuropeptides get carried throughout your body and attach to cells. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts or suppress your emotions, you are repeatedly releasing harmful neuropeptides. Overtime, this damages your cells structure, affecting vitamin absorption. Yikes! After years of emotional toxicity, you can expect additional health problems. This is the reason why detox is such an important part of my practice – 80% of my patients are put on an emotional detox program without even knowing. This is because the true benefits of a healthy diet and high quality supplements otherwise cannot be achieved.
So, you’ve identified that you are either in a toxic relationship or haven’t healed from a previous toxic relationship. Here is what you need to do to prevent further damage to your health.
Let’s break it down.
1 – Emotions that are suppressed do not disappear, they just get driven deeper. So, first off stop suppressing and start expressing! Many people can’t communicate effectively with their partner, allowing negative emotions to just stir up inside of them. Others have buried past hurt, disappointments and anger from previous relationships and replay them in their new relationship, therefore keeping these negative feelings alive. You need to find an effective way to communicate with your partner (no bashing), release your negative thoughts (current or past), and process your emotions. Journaling is a great exercise, along with positive daily affirmations. These are simple suggestions to help you release happy neuropeptides and keep the negative neuropeptides away from your cells. If you find this process difficult to do on your own, there are professionals out there who can help you express your emotions.
2 – Be patient. Breaking patterns is not an easy task and can take some time. Whether you choose to improve your communication with your partner or leave your toxic relationship and start fresh, know that it will take some time to re-program your thought pattern. Make sure you have support during this process, and focus on your growth as a person. Every experience in your life gives you an opportunity to grow. Toxic relationships can lead to a feeling of empowerment if you shift your perception of the experience.
3 – Forgiveness is a big part of detoxing and moving forward. Chances are you will have a hard time achieving optimal health if you can’t forgive your partner and yourself. Letting go isn’t easy, but it is more than necessary. Guys and gals, you must work on this one.
4 – This is where my patients see the most growth. Release the old negative energy and welcome the new. Energy is everywhere. We cannot see it or touch it, but most of us are in tune with it. Every experience you have places an energetic imprint on your body and affects you. This means energy within you that should be balanced and free flowing, can become stuck and stagnant following a negative experience in your life. Go to yoga, try to meditate and if you need more help, try homeopathic medicine. For sure this will help you experience an inner sense of balance, peace and clarity. It is only when you truly heal from past relationships on an emotional and energetic level that you can move forward.
So, if you want to get healthy and stop depleting your vitamins, think about detoxing, and not just the kind that will have you living in the bathroom. Be brave and don’t give up. Change is good.
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Wow! Never thought that emotions can really affect our health.
This is a very well written and insightful article.
I plan to use this in my relationship.
Thank you Dr. Sara.
Can’t wait to hear more about health and relationships