“I can see the end because I’m finally starting my beginning,” says Andi Dorfman during the season premiere of “The Bachelorette.” Let’s just hope this beginning is better than the last…

They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Most of us have heard this. While some of these frogs are wonderful, (but not the best fit), there are some other frogs that aren’t so wonderful, and are really not the best fit… at all.

Andi Dorfman found this out the hard way, ending her relationship with “The Bachelor’s” Juan Pablo after a not so spicy evening in the fantasy suite. The initial heartthrob, Juan Pablo, became less of a prince and more of an utter nuisance as the season approached an end. Perhaps it was a combination of too many “it’s oks” and tears.

Sometimes (meaning always) I wanted to throw my nice glass of “Bachelor” vino at the screen and yell, “no Juan, it’s not ok.” Seriously though.

But, things are about to turn around for the 27-year-old “Bachelorette.” Last night Andi Dorfman met 25 potential princes. AMEN to that. As I watched each new potential come out of the limo all I could think of was wow, these gentlemen sure know how to dress. Between the bowties and checkered shirts, hello season 10.

The Bachelorette

“Falling in love should be fun,” says Andi at the beginning of the episode. Well, what could be more fun than receiving cookies and a lamp on the first night? I mean give me some baked goods, a bright light, and hey, might as well toss in some champagne popping and we’ve got ourselves a date. It’s all about first impressions…

But Andi- oh Andi. I think my girl crush significantly grew after last night’s episode. She looked stunning. I’m surprised there wasn’t a lineup behind Chris Bukowski’s party crash. Was anyone else just as confused as I was to see him show up? I think someone should tell him to try a new tactic. Online dating, perhaps?

It looks like Andi has an interesting season ahead of her. The men seem more than excited to get to know her, and maybe a tad nervous. Nick V. was so cute getting the first impression rose!

“Ya’ll” ready for next week?

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