DivaGirl Bachelorette: Alena

Alena started out in Winnipeg where she eventually finished her degree in Psychology, while planning and executing Molson events on a regional level. Alena decided it was a good idea to try out Alberta for a bit and then moved on to Vancouver where she worked for a music management company. After trying out the West Coast, she thought it was only natural to pack up her car and drive across the country until she felt like stopping. By the time Alena got to Toronto it was getting cold so she set up shop. She didn’t have any friends or family here (or a job, a home, or a plan for that matter) so Alena went to cross-fit every day until she made friends. Eventually Alena found a job, a home, and a plan and she has been writing and re-writing it ever since!

Name: Alena
Occupation: Jill of all Trades: Communications Manager for Silent Joe, Freelance Marketing Writer, Joga Instructor (Yoga for Jocks!)
Things I’m passionate about: Life, Holistic Health and Wellness, Music, Food, Crossfit, Friends and Wine but not in that order.
My ideal first date would be: Something totally out of the box. I am up and ready for anything and would prefer to get a glimpse into his interests. I can take myself out on a date, lets do what you want to do! Hopefully by the second date we find we want to do the same thing.
People say that I am: Driven
My ideal partner is: Funny and keeps me on my toes
Dating deal breakers: Mean to the server! Overly opinionated or just as bad, no opinions at all.
I’m not bragging but I: Can probably backsquat you. But I’m a lady so I wont try.
A talent that may surprise you: Playing the flute with my nose. I cant actually do it, but it would surprise you if I could
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: Paolo Nutini, Rival Sons, Grace Potter
My dream vacation: A month long vacation through South America or through India, Thailand, and Indonesia.
On weekends you’ll find me: With friends, trying new restaurants or festivals or trying to escape the city every once in a while and seeing more of Ontario
What I put on my burger: carmalized onions, goats cheese, roasted red peppers, and bacon!
I was most impressed on a date when he: Took initiative and planned the whole night, all while walking on the correct side of the sidewalk from me. A complete gentleman.
In high school I was: In all of the arts classes, theater, and a cheerleader. And probably a bit awkward
My guilty indulgence is: Food, all kinds.. I can’t help it!
In my past life I was: Taller
In my next life I’ll be: Smarter – Lessons learned this time around
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A black and white animated western action musical comedy short?
The actor that should play my life story is: Malin Akerman – Swedish and Canadian! or Kate Hudson, she would be good in my western too I think.
Favourite ice cream flavour: I can never decide. I always ask for as many flavors they can put into a cup.
To relieve stress I: Do Joga, or go to Crossfit. Or I go for a walk or to chapters and read
If I played hooky I’d… Grab some friends and go on a road trip
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: Live, Laugh, and Love beautifully. Cheesy but oh well I couldn’t think of three things I need that badly that I cant try to do for myself.

Want to suggest or even be one of “Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelors/Bachelorettes”? Email menandwomen@magazine4you.top with your nomination.
Special sponsor: Divagirl-Inc
Dresses and styling provided by Rent frock Repeat, Toronto.
Photography: Steve Blackburn at yyzevents.com